
A repository of files for download. "Class files" include notes, examples, and selected solutions. In "Old exams" you'll find, well, old exams! "Other files" is everything else.

Downloading filled-in notes and worked-out examples is not a substitute for coming to class and trying these things on your own! Use these files as additional resources. Also note that solutions especially numerical results, are not guaranteed to be 100% correct.

Lesson (Day, Date) Notes/exercises/examples Selected solutions
1 (R, 31-Aug)  
2 (F, 1-Sep)
3 (M, 4-Sep)
4 (T, 5-Sep) Filled-in notes
Example 1
Example 2
5 (R, 7-Sep) Filled-in notes
6 (F, 8-Sep) Example
7 (M, 11-Sep) Example
8 (T, 12-Sep)
9 (R, 14-Sep) Filled-in notes
10 (F, 15-Sep) Filled-in notes
Example 1
Examples 2 & 3
11 (M, 18-Sep) Exercise
12 (T, 19-Sep) Example
14 (F, 22-Sep)
15 (M, 25-Sep) Example
16 (T, 26-Sep) Examples
17 (R, 28-Sep) Drawn diagrams
Solved problems
18 (F, 29-Sep) Example
19 (M, 2-Oct) Filled-in notes
20 (T, 3-Oct) Example 2
21 (R, 5-Oct)  
22 (F, 6-Oct) Solutions
23 (M, 9-Oct) Filled-in notes
24 (T, 10-Oct) Filled-in notes
25 (M, 16-Oct) Examples
26 (T, 17-Oct) Examples
28 (F, 20-Oct) Examples
29 (M, 23-Oct)
  • Same as last time
30 (T, 24-Oct) Examples
31 (R, 26-Oct) Examples
32 (F, 27-Oct) Examples
33 (M, 30-Oct) Examples
Dumbell solution
34 (T, 31-Oct) Notes
35 (R, 2-Nov)
37 (M, 6-Nov)

Copyright © 2017 | Thomas M. Adams, PhD |
Department of Mechanical Engineering | Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
5500 Wabash Ave. | Terre Haute, IN 47803 USA