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Course-based projects

All Rose‑Hulman programs welcome the chance to work on a variety of projects. Our faculty and students work together to perform research in all disciplines we teach at Rose. Testing and analysis often complement our course work, and faculty members encourage the suggestion of short-term projects that can be included in a course.

Answering Tough Questions

Your application can bring theory to life in our courses. Projects can be submitted anytime. Project types range from mini-projects of one or two weeks to multi-year projects. Accepted projects will be worked into the academic calendar and may not be started for several months.

We hope you can identify a project and support our program!

!Student talking with company representative.

Advantages to Sponsoring a Project

  • Help students apply their skills to real-life situations
  • Help faculty augment their courses with the application of theory
  • Gain new perspectives from creative and energetic Rose students
  • Meet future employees, researchers, and graduate students
  • Access resources at RHIT, including scanning electron microscope, clean room, machine shop, 3D printer, etc.
!Student falling into the lake.

Projects should avoid:

  • Requiring equipment not easily accessible
  • Involving excessive proprietary or trade secret material
  • Potentially impacting the well-being of your company
Student in clean room wearing a mask and looking at something he is working on.

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