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See for yourself why U.S. News and World Report has ranked Rose-Hulman No. 1 in undergraduate engineering education for 26 straight years and why the Princeton Review ranks us No. 19 in the nation for Best Career ServicesNo. 15 for Best Career Placement for Private Schools and No. 9 for Best Schools for Internships for Private Schools.

Connect with some of the brightest students in the nation and find your organization's next superstar at our in-person and virtual campus recruiting events.



Wednesday, April 23, 2025
10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Registration Deadline: April 11, 2025
Cost to attend: $200 standard registration fee

Use our registration form, available in Handshake, to reserve your space for the Spring Career Fair Registrant Overview, which will be made available to students attending the fair



October 1, 2025

Use our registration form, available in Handshake, to reserve your space for the Spring Career Fair Registrant Overview, which will be made available to students attending the fair



Fall: October 1, 2025
Winter: January 28, 2026
Spring: April 22, 2026

Graduate School Fair
October 27, 2025

FOR MORE INFORMATION, please contact Mel Hayes at 812-877-8141.

Specialized Recruiting Events

We have several different ways to create exposure for your organization in a fun, lively, and informal atmosphere. These events attract large numbers of students, providing you with broad access and name recognition. 

Don't see an event that fits your needs? We can plan and coordinate a custom-built event for your company! Contact us to learn more about working with our office to design excellent networking opportunities. Past examples of custom events include gaming tournaments, comedians and special dinners.

Sponsors During Athletic Events

Grow Your Name Recognition

Get your company name in front of students, parents and alumni with a 30-second ad during the live stream broadcasting of 35 athletic events. Contact Jared Goulding for more info.

Welcome Back Wednesday

September - Welcome Back Wednesday #1 Event of the Year!

Be one of just 16 sponsors for this awesome annual tradition that kicks off fall quarter. The first week of classes is over and the entire student body is invited to a big cookout on the student union patio, complete with live music, prizes and lots of food. We’ll provide you with a 10-by-10-foot tent and you’ll be remembered all year in eBoard and website recognition, plus grateful mentions before the cookout. This is also a fun and easy way to meet our students before the Fall Career Fair! Contact Jared Goulding for more info. 

CSSE Annual Fall Picnic

September - Computer Science and Software Engineering Annual Fall Picnic

Connect with students, faculty and staff of the Computer Science and Software Engineering Department during their annual fall picnic. Interact with CS/SE students in a relaxed atmosphere and share opportunities for internships, co-ops and full-time employment. This event is limited to one sponsor. Contact Jared Goulding for more info.

Rose Diversity Connect

October - Pre-Career Fair Diversity Recruiting

Join Rose-Hulman’s Center for Diversity for a day filled with recruiting, corporate-centered student exercises, and engagement opportunities which will showcase student initiative, skill sets and abilities. This event is limited to 15 sponsors. Contact Jared Goulding for more info.


Late September/Early October - Homecoming

Six sponsors will get the opportunity to showcase their company and share information with more than 1,200 students, family and alumni at one of the largest campus sporting events of the year. Each company will be provided with a 10x10’ tent at the entrance of the stadium, pre-event advertising with company logos and all the fixings for tailgating. This event is limited to six sponsors. Contact Jared Goulding for more info.

Hall of Fame & Family Weekend

November - Hall of Fame & Family Weekend

Engage with parents and students at this football game weekend as we honor inductees to the Rose-Hulman Athletics Hall of Fame. Typically, more than 300 students will be in attendance. Your company will enjoy advertising and the ability to present during these family events. This event is limited to one sponsor. Contact Jared Goulding for more info. 

CSSE Annual Spring Picnic

May - Computer Science and Software Engineering Annual Spring Picnic

Connect with students, faculty and staff of the Computer Science and Software Engineering Department during their annual spring picnic. Interact with CS/SE students in a relaxed atmosphere and share opportunities for internships, co-ops and full-time employment. This event is limited to one sponsor. Contact Jared Goulding for more info.

Internships & Co-ops

You offer exciting careers in science and engineering. We educate some of the brightest students in the nation. Establish a pipeline for your company through internships and co-ops with Rose-Hulman students.

Female student talks to male recruiter


Female recruiter talks to male student


Posting Job Openings

Thank you for your interest in hiring Rose-Hulman students. We are pleased to assist you in meeting your hiring needs for full-time, co-op and internship positions.

The Rose-Hulman Career Services & Employer Relations office is a Handshake partner school. If you already have a Handshake account, search for Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology to gain access to our page. If you do not, click on the link below to build a profile.

Create a Rose-Hulman Handshake Account or Learn More About Handshake

For more information, please contact Jared Goulding, Employer Relations Manager and Alumni Career Advisor, at (812) 877-8589.

Interviews & Info Sessions

Interviewing on campus

We are equipped to host your company for on-campus interviews in private interview rooms almost anytime during our academic year. Occasionally, such as the day after a career fair, we need to host some companies in semi-private conference interview rooms. We can coordinate your schedule for you, helping you preselect candidates prior to your visit. We can also set you up to interview via Microsoft Teams.

For more information contact: Mel Hayes, Employer Relations & Career Services Operations Assistant Director, 812-877-8141.

Tell our students about your company

Build recognition for your company on our campus by educating our students about the work that you do and the opportunities that you have. The Career Services team can reserve space on campus for you to conduct information sessions to meet our students and promote your opportunities. We’ll help you get the word out to students, and connect you to people that can provide refreshments for your event if you choose.

Information sessions can be done near the time of Career Fair events, in conjunction with on-campus interviews, or at any other time of the year that you would like to visit campus. To schedule an Information Session, submit a request through your Handshake account or contact Mel Hayes at 812-877-8141 with the following details:

  • Requested date
  • Requested time
  • Brief Description
  • Majors Recruiting
  • Work Authorization

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Connecting companies to the next generation of leaders and innovators.

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