Accessibility Statement.

Student Services at a Glance

Looking or information about the services we offer our students? You’ve come to the right place.

Female student filling out forms.

Financial Aid

There are many sources of financial assistance available to Rose-Hulman students, including scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study. Athough most assistance is assigned for an academic year, you may apply for aid prior to the beginning of any quarter. 

Male student filling out forms with a financial aid counselor.

Financial Services

Rose-Hulman's Student Financial Services Office is available to help students with organization deposits, laptop financing, student billing and payroll. Students may cash personal checks up to $100 in the Bookstore. First Financial Bank maintains two ATM's on campus.

Handicap symbol

Student Accessibility Services

The role of Student Accessibility Services is to coordinate and process reasonable accommodations for students with accessibility issues.
Two smiling Asian students.

International Student Services

Rose-Hulman welcomes students from around the world to our campus each year. We serve the needs of this special student population with information and counseling on immigration and visa issues or other areas of concern. 

Two students riding bicycles on campus.

Insurance & Risk Management

Insurance and Risk Management strives to minimize the costs and risk associated with accidents or unexpected events that jeopardize the well-being of the Rose-Hulman community.

Sign for The LearningCenter and Homework Hotline.

Learning & Academic Testing Center

Our Learning Center offers tutoring, final exam review sessions, study areas, course files and more. The Academic Testing Center offers accommodations for students with disabilities and proctored make-up exams. All services are free.

A nurse examines a student in the Health Services office.

Health Services

Not feeling your best? Fell down and twisted an ankle in your intramural basketball game? Rose-Hulman's friendly, certified health services staff is here to help. All of our services are completely confidential, HIPAA compliant, and free for current students.

Two students sitting on a bench near Speed Lake.

Counseling Services

Our purpose is to enhance the students' ability to fully benefit from academic and social life at Rose-Hulman. We provide brief individual counseling, group counseling, couples counseling, assessment, and referrals.

A stack of notebooks.


We provide service to students, faculty, staff, parents and alumni in all areas pertaining to course scheduling and class registration, academic records, transcripts, enrollment verifications, degree verification, course catalogs, academic rules and procedures.

Cables plugged into the back of a computer

Enterprise Information Technology

We are responsible for the safety, security, and support of information technology on campus, including student laptops.

Female student working on laptop while sitting on floor.

Learning & Technology

We provide instructional technology services including equipment for loan, such as video cameras, digital cameras, tripods, document cameras, televisions, LCD projectors, clickers with laser pointers, speaker systems, USB speakerphones, USB headsets and tablets.

Smiling male student.

Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging

We are committed to fostering a campus community that embraces diversity and recognizes its impact on the success of students, faculty, and staff. 

Public Safety officer directing traffic during freshman move-in day.

Keeping Campus Safe

The Office of Public Safety is your source for information on emergency procedures, crime prevention, parking regulations, vehicle registration, escort service, crime statistics, and emergency call boxes.

A bank of campus mailboxes in Moench Commons.


Care packages are the best. Please have your family and friends address your mail in the following manner.

First, Middle, Last Name
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
5500 Wabash Ave
Terre Haute, IN 47803

Preferred carriers are UPS, USPS, DHL, and FedEx.

Need more information please call Mail Distribution at 812-877-8428

Plates of delicious-looking food.

Meals and More by Bon Appetit

Bon Appetit’s from-scratch cooking, nutritional approach and local sourcing guarantee that the food on campus is both sustainable and satisfying. And if you have special dietary needs, or just want a variety of tasty foods to choose from, you’ll find options to suit you. Visit our dining services page to get the details about meal plans, hours of operation, nutritional information and more!

Interior view of the Rose-Hulman Bookstore.

From Textbooks to T-Shirts

Graph paper? Hoodie? Gotcha--you’ve come to the right place! Our institute-owned campus bookstore is conveniently located in the Mussallem Union and carries everything you need for your classes--and to show your school spirit!

Mon-Fri 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Sat 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Closed on Sundays.

Phone: 812-877-8344

*Closed Saturdays during summer break and when classes are not in session.

Student group with professors during a course-related trip to Turkey.

A World of Opportunity

Study abroad and gain skills that will put you ahead in the job market while you earn course credit. We have programs with long-standing partners, such as colleges in Germany and Japan, as well as new partners in Sweden, South Korea, and China.

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