RoseSTEM helps prepare historically underrepresented students for STEM-focused colleges like Rose-Hulman.

Partnering with high schools and community-based organizations in the Indianapolis and Northwest Indiana/Chicago regions in particular, the program provides students an opportunity to attend Rose-Hulman’s summer STEM camps like Operation Catapult, Project SelectRose Power and more.

The year-round program also provides RoseSTEM cohorts with resources and training, access to current Rose-Hulman students, and opportunities to hear from special guest speakers.

To learn more, contact Associate Director of Admissions and Multicultural Recruitment Dexter Jordan.

Current partners in the RoseSTEM program include:

noble schools logo Terre Haute South high school logo Terre Haute North Vigo high school logo Payton College Preparatory school logo Herron Schools Logo west vigo high school logo Girl Scouts of Central Indiana logo NCBW logo

Summer Programs at Rose Hulman

Learn more about our other summer programs - Operation Catapult, Project Select, Creation Crates and Rose Accelerate - where can can share your love of STEM with other high-ability students like you who are considering attending Rose-Hulman.

Project SELECT

Be among the select few to come to Rose-Hulman during the summers after your freshman or sophomore years for this exciting STEM experience. Project SELECT lets you get hands-on with science and engineering in a way you've never done before.

Operation Catapult

Come to Rose-Hulman the summer before your junior or senior year in high school and spend two weeks in a fun and exciting engineering experience. Operation Catapult is something you'll never forget!

Creation Crates

Creation Crates is the Rose‑Hulman experimental engineering design-at-home program for high school students.

Rose Accelerate

Expand your knowledge by taking core college coursework online this summer and earn credits toward your Rose-Hulman degree.

Rose Power

For high school girls in the ninth grade who are considering STEM. You will spend six days on campus in our innovation centers under the guidance of faculty and students. By the end of the week, there won’t be a tool or machine you haven’t conquered.

More News About Summer Programs at Rose

summer programs
Two students wearing Project SELECT lanyards examine liquid in a beaker in a lab.

Innovative Summer Programs Offered for High School Students

summer programs

Five Summer STEM Programs Offered for High School Students

summer programs
Student's at Rose-Hulman's Operation Catapult summer STEM camp.

New Grant Supports Students Historically Underrepresented in STEM Fields

Dexter Jordan

Rose-Hulman's Associate Director of Admissions and Multicultural Recruitment, Dexter went to school to be an art teacher, has coffee mugs from everywhere and knows everything (or, a lot) about comic book history. 


Campus map

Contact Us

Office of Admissions
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
5500 Wabash Avenue
Terre Haute, Indiana 47803
Phone: 800-248-7448
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