Five Summer STEM Programs Offered for High School Students

Exciting summer programs allow high school students to explore their STEM interests by completing hands-on projects and gain insight into college life at the nation’s top-ranked engineering college.
Applications are being accepted for five on-campus and at-home summer programs for high school freshmen through seniors to explore their interests in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) as well as build college preparedness and competitiveness.
A second week-long Rose Power program has been added this year for girls currently in ninth grade with an interest in STEM. This campus-based program will also expose students to women STEM role models. This year’s camp options are June 12-17 or June 20-25.
“Rose Power was a great educational experience last summer that complements our other programs that provide high school students with valuable and enjoyable STEM learning environments. There’s a special focus on involving historically underrepresented students in these programs,” said Tom Bear, vice president for enrollment management. “Some of our programs date back more than 50 years. They provide worthwhile hands-on experiences, interactions with Rose-Hulman faculty and students, and insight into college life at Rose.”
Applications are open through April 3 for the following programs that allow students to work in teams or individually to complete a variety of hands-on projects, many completely from scratch, with the assistance of faculty mentors. The on-campus programs provide an opportunity for students to live on a college campus and meet other teens with similar STEM interests from across the country and world.
Rose Power – June 12-17/June 20-25
This program for girls currently in ninth grade allows them to explore STEM as a career, create interesting projects, and expose them to women role models. Students spend six days on campus working in Rose-Hulman’s innovation centers under the guidance of faculty and students. By the end of the week, there won’t be a tool or machine they haven’t conquered. This camp empowers students to build any widget or gadget they can imagine.
Cost: $1,450
Operation Catapult – June 6-16/June 20-30/July 11-21
Three choices of an 11-day summer camp experience build high school students’ skills, knowledge, and connectedness with others who share the same STEM passions. High school juniors or seniors can explore areas of robotics, chemistry and computer programming; make electronic and mechanical machines from scratch; work with state-of-the-art equipment and laboratories; and learn how to communicate their projects to family and friends. This program has been conducted on campus for more than 50 years.
Cost: $2,500
Project Select – July 9-15/July 16-22
Two week-long immersive, hands-on science and engineering camps are planned for high school students after their freshman or sophomore years. These sessions allow students to build upon their existing science and mathematics knowledge and connect it to modern engineering applications, under the guidance of Rose professors and students. They also explore how science can be applied to solve difficult problems and test their designs using state-of-the-art equipment.
Cost: $1,450
Creation Crates – July 17-21
Rose‑Hulman offers a week-long experimental engineering design-at-home program for high school students who have completed their sophomore or junior years. A kit of materials is delivered to each camper’s doorstep, and they work directly with a Rose-Hulman faculty mentor online for four hours daily to design, build and test a series of experimental apparatuses, use their own setup to take experimental measurements, and analyze the trustworthiness of those results. Students also learn about life at Rose-Hulman by getting to know a current student and taking a virtual campus tour.
Cost: $500
Rose Accelerate – June 1-August 18
Students in grades 11-12 and eligible first-year college students can expand their knowledge by taking core college coursework online this summer and earn credits toward their Rose-Hulman degree.
Courses taking place June 1-August 18
The following courses are only for eligible high school juniors and students as well as admitted first-year college students:
- Chemistry and Chemistry Lab (requires completion of at least one high school chemistry course and Algebra 2)
- Rhetoric and Composition
The following courses are available to eligible high school juniors and seniors as well as admitted first-year college students integrated with current RHIT students:
- Introduction to Film Studies
- Music Theory 1
- Introduction to Software Development
Learn more and apply here.