Lab 6-8

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Course Information

Design Project: Analog-to-Digital Converters


The design project offers you the opportunity to carry out a complete design process for a realistic and practical system.

Analog-to-digital converters, also called A/D or ADC, convert an analog signal quantity into a numerical quantity for use in a digital system. A/D converters find application in instruments such as digital multimeters, audio samplers, soundcards, and digital oscilloscopes. Many different types of analog-to-digital converter circuits have been developed to suit a wide range of applications. A/D converter types can be distinguished by key features such as number of bits of resolution, conversion speed, linearity, and digital interface technique.

In this three-week project, you will design, build, and evaluate one ADC device: either the tracking converter or the ramp converter. Both devices use the same hardware connections outside of the FPGA, so you should work jointly on that aspect of the design. However, the remaining design activities must be carried out independently. You will present your design and results in a formal report. Each student is graded individually on this project. Students may not team up with other students who are working on the same ADC.


bulletUse correct design process
bulletUse sound design practice for digital systems
bulletLearn about analog-to-digital converters
bulletProduce a formal report

Parts List

bulletMC1408 8-bit digital-to-analog converter
bulletLMC6482 rail-to-rail single-supply opamp
bullet74HC14 hex Schmitt trigger
bulletResistors and capacitors


bulletXS-40 FPGA evaluation board


bulletXilinx ISE 4.2i FPGA implementation tools
bulletSimuCad Silos 2001 behavioral simulator for Verilog
bulletXESS Corporation GXSTOOLS for XS-40 evaluation board

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Executing the Project

Timeline and Deliverables
What you should expect to accomplish each week, and the required material for you to submit each week.
Specific requirements for submitting your work.

Technical Information

Background Information
Explains the general nature of what your system will accomplish.
Design Requirements (Specifications)
Statements that describe how your device must function.
Design Rules
Requirements for writing synthesizable Verilog descriptions
Troubleshooting Tips
It is rather easy to write a Verilog description that simulates fine, but produces cryptic error messages during the implementation (synthesis) phase. This document lists common problems and provides troubleshooting tips to resolve them.

Weekly Activities and Deliverables

Week 1
Design the complete system block diagram, finite state machine controller, and timing relationships in sufficient detail to know that your system will function properly before you touch the computer tools.
Week 2
Express your design in HDL and verify its correct operation using behavioral simulation.
Week 3
Implement your design in hardware, evaluate its performance, and demonstrate to the instructor.

Design Project Report


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 ECE333: Digital Systems (W 2002-03)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

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Last updated: 03/10/05.