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Course Information

NOTE: Please go to PLD Oasis if you are looking for documentation and resources related to the Digilent FPGA boards, Xilinx software, and Verilog.


bullet ABEL-HDL Primer
bulletPLD Design Flow: GAL, ABEL
bulletispLEVER 1.0 Starter Kit -- You can download this kit and install it on your own computer. The B-200 computers run the full version of ispLEVER.

GALs & Verilog

bulletPLD Design Flow: GAL, Verilog

Lattice/Vantis CPLD Board

bulletispLEVER 1.0 Starter Kit
bulletSimplified schematic and ribbon cable pinouts (this is the primary reference)
bulletFull schematic

Digilent FPGA Board [now at PLD Oasis]

XS-40 FPGA Board [obsolete]

bullet Concept to FPGA: Step-by-Step Instructions
bulletXS-40 User's Manual
bulletAbout the programmable oscillator
bulletLocation of Vdd and ground pins
bulletXSTOOLS software
bulletalive.bit tests FPGA and LED (source: alive.v and alive.ucf)



Verilog [these links work, but are not maintained; go to PLD Oasis instead]

bulletGradual Introduction to Verilog: Combinational and Sequential
bullet On-line Verilog HDL Quick Reference Guide by Stuart Sutherland
bulletv2html - Verilog-to-HTML converter
bulletFPGA System Design with Verilog: Workshop materials
bulletVerilog Template Maker
bulletVerilog examples [more complete at PLD Oasis]
bulletReference design

Agilent Lab Equipment

bulletObtaining hardcopy of MSO screen
bulletObtaining "correct" front panel display for high-impedance loads

Good Design Practice

bulletDesign Project Tips

555-Based Clock Oscillator

bulletSchematic and design equations
bullet 555 Timer Design Tool: On-line Java applet to choose component values (handles standard component values nicely)


Transmission Line Effects

bulletSelected references on EMC and signal integrity
bullet Transmission Line Effects on a Bus (Java applet)
bulletPSpice demos (schematic files)
bulletTime domain
bulletFrequency domain


bulletScripts and functions


bulletGrid paper for drawing timing diagrams (portrait or landscape)









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 ECE333: Digital Systems (W 2002-03)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

For questions or comments regarding this web contact:
Last updated: 03/10/05.