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ece333 | doering | ece labs | ece | rhit

Course Information

bulletSubmit your weekly deliverables as a photocopy of your relevant lab notebook pages. Clearly title the pages to match the list of deliverables, and present them in the order indicated. Weekly deliverables are due at the end of each lab period.
bulletYou will receive a "Go" or "No-Go" mark on your deliverables for each week
bulletYou must obtain a "Go" for each of the three sets of deliverables before your formal report will be graded
bullet"Go" marks must be obtained in sequential order, i.e., you must obtain a "Go" for the first week's deliverables before any subsequent deliverables (including the final report) will be considered
bulletA "Go" mark will be entered for your lab notebook score each week according to the formula 13 - (3N + D - 2), where N is the number of attempts to obtain a "Go" mark (N must be at least 1, of course), and D is the number of days late.
bulletThere are no prelabs for the design project
bulletThe formal report will be the sole basis for determining your grade on the "Design Project" component of the course
bulletThe formal report will be due at the beginning of Lab 9. Late penalties will apply thereafter.

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Design Project Homepage


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 ECE333: Digital Systems (W 2002-03)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

For questions or comments regarding this web contact:
Last updated: 03/10/05.