Week 3 Activities

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bulletNOTE: Your analog circuit must share a common ground with the XS40 board (see location of ground pins). However, do not connect any external power supplies (e.g., the 5V and -15V supplies) to any XS40 pins!
bulletChoose I/O pin locations to facilitate easy connection of your digital probes. For example, when selecting the pin locations for a seven-bit bus, order the pins from left to right to match your most significant to least significant bits.
bulletTest your analog hardware using a stand-alone circuit that generates a simple sequence of 7-bit digital values. dactesto.v (and associated dactesto.ucf) is a self-oscillating circuit that uses a free-running up-counter to create a linearly increasing output value. You will need to adjust the output pin locations to match your own hardware.
bulletIf you want to generate a DAC test sequence using a variable frequency clock source, use dactest.v (and associated dactest.ucf). You can change the input pin if needed, but you must use one of the eight global clock input pins. Use the function generator to create the clock waveform; set the amplitude to 3.3V and the DC offset to 1.67V (half of 3.3V).
bulletUse alive.bit (must right-click the link and select "Save As") to get a quick visual indicator that your FPGA and LED are working. You will see a single active segment chase around all seven segments.

MSO Setup:

Put the MSO in a standard configuration for debugging and demonstration as follows:

  1. Save the MSO setup file adc.scp to a 3.5" floppy disk. This is a "binary file" (not a text file), so you need to right-click on the link and select "Save Target As..." to properly transfer the file to disk.
  2. Insert the floppy in the MSO disk drive.
  3. Press the front panel button "File -> Save/Recall" followed by "Softkey -> Recall".
  4. Press "Softkey -> From" repeatedly to select your floppy disk file (you can also rotate the selection knob to the right of the MSO screen).
  5. Press "Softkey -> Press to Recall" to load the configuration file.

Connect the MSO to your circuit as follows:

Signal MSO Probe
Vin (analog input) Analog 1
Vdac (DAC voltage) Analog 2
Status signal
(MSO triggers on rising edge of this signal)
Digital 15
Measurement bit 6 Digital 14
Measurement bit 5 Digital 13
Measurement bit 4 Digital 12
Measurement bit 3 Digital 11
Measurement bit 2 Digital 10
Measurement bit 1 Digital 9
Measurement bit 0 Digital 8
Comparator output (as used by FPGA) Digital 7
DAC control bit 6 Digital 6
DAC control bit 5 Digital 5
DAC control bit 4 Digital 4
DAC control bit 3 Digital 3
DAC control bit 2 Digital 2
DAC control bit 1 Digital 1
DAC control bit 0 Digital 0


Refresh your memory about the Week 3 Deliverables.

Your goals at the end of Week 3 are to complete the hardware implementation and debugging, to evaluate your finished systems according to your test plan, and to demonstrate the finished systems to the instructor.

Collect an appropriate number of MSO screenshots to document the proper operation of your ADC device.

Request the instructor to view your demonstration only after you have completed your performance evaluation.

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 ECE333: Digital Systems (W 2002-03)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

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Last updated: 03/10/05.