Week 1 Activities

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Course Information

Before you get started, be sure to read (and thoroughly understand!) the following material:

bulletTimeline and deliverables
bulletTechnical background information
bulletDesign requirements (specifications)

Your primary goal at the completion of this first week of the project is to complete the conceptual design for your ADC system. You should not touch your computer CAD tools during this phase of the design!

You should work with your lab partner to work out the details of the first three major bullet points of the deliverables below. You may also work with your lab partner to discuss issues and to brainstorm ideas about both ADC types. Once you have decided which specific ADC you will implement, however, you must work independently on your design to complete the remaining deliverables for this and subsequent weeks.

You are to produce the following deliverables this week:

bulletSymbol drawing for entire system
bulletdraw one block (rectangle) that represents the entire device
bulletdraw and label primary inputs on left side of block
bulletdraw and label primary outputs on right side of block
bulletBlock diagram for entire system
bulletshow all major components in the entire system
bulletshow register-level detail for the digital system implemented by the FPGA (use single blocks to represent the controller and datapath; details of these elements will be shown in a separate diagram)
bulletshow specific interconnections between all devices
bulletshow FPGA boundary
bulletshow XS40 board boundary
bullethint: you will know that you have drawn a proper diagram when all wires or buses begin at one block and end at another block; there must be no "dangling" wires anywhere on the diagram
bulletSymbol drawing for digital system
bulletdraw one block (rectangle) that represents the digital system implemented by the FPGA
bulletdraw and label primary inputs on left side of block
bulletdraw and label primary outputs on right side of block
bulletState transition diagram for controller
bulletshow states
bulletuse state names that are descriptive of the activity performed in each state
bulletmake a table to indicate primary inputs, primary outputs, control points (to datapath), and condition (status) signals (from datapath)
bulletindicate which state is entered when the asynchronous master reset is asserted
bulletRegister-level block diagram for datapath
bulletindicate control points (from controller) and condition signals (to controller)
bulletindicate the behavior desired from control inputs on the devices
bulletTiming diagram
bulletcontroller: show state, external inputs, condition signals from datapath, control signals to datapath
bulletdatapath: show outputs of datapath devices
bulletoverall system: show all inputs and outputs
bulletinclude annotations and other notes to clearly explain causal relationships between signals
bulletTest plan for finished system
bulletstate the procedures you will use to show that your finished product meets all design requirements
bulletstate the procedures you will use to test the performance of your finished ADC
bulletremember that you are designing a measurement device, so consider what you need to do to determine how well your measurement device works
bulletWritten commentary to explain how your system works

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 ECE333: Digital Systems (W 2002-03)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

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Last updated: 03/10/05.