Timeline and Deliverables

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Course Information

You will need to produce a set of "deliverables" in your lab notebook by the end of each lab period for each of the three weeks of the project:

bulletFirst week: Conceptual design and detailed design documents
bulletSymbol drawing for entire system
bulletBlock diagram for entire system
bulletSymbol drawing for digital system
bulletState transition diagram for controller
bulletRegister-level block diagram for datapath
bulletTiming diagram
bulletTest plan for finished system
bulletWritten commentary to explain how your system works
bulletSecond week: Functional verification
bulletSynthesizable circuit descriptions (Verilog), one file for each module
bulletTestbenches (Verilog), one file for each module
bulletWaveform plots with annotations to interpret the results; includes simulation of the entire design as well as individual test results for each low-level module
bulletWritten commentary to explain your test procedures and results
bulletThird week: Hardware implementation
bulletPerformance evaluation results (use your test plan)
bulletDemonstration for instructor
bulletWritten commentary to explain your test procedures and results

A formal design project report detailing your design process and performance results will be due at the conclusion of the design project.

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Design Project Homepage

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 ECE333: Digital Systems (W 2002-03)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

For questions or comments regarding this web contact:
Last updated: 03/10/05.