Accessibility Statement.

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Special Collections & Archives

Our goal is to identify, acquire and to preserve primary and secondary resources of enduring historic value to Rose‑Hulman Institute of Technology and to make them available to interested researchers.

Discovering RHIT History

We offer a rich collection of photos, documents, interviews, yearbooks and much more to assist anyone interested in the remarkable history of Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.


Rose-Hulman Modulus yearbook from 1954.

Rose Scholar Institutional Repository

A look at the scholarship and research produced at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.

Collection Policy

We collect records, publications, artifacts and personal collections of enduring, permanent and historical value. Items in the archives can be transferred directly from the institute or donated by individual donors in any usable analog or digital format.

The primary focus for collecting includes items that document:

  • Administrative history
  • Educational/curricula history
  • Special Events
  • Student life

Items may include, but are not limited to:

  • Visual materials such as photographs, video and audio.
  • Manuscripts / personal collections
  • Artifacts / memorabilia
  • Publications
  • Records

In making selection decisions, the archivist will take into account the following:

  • The perceived importance for the research needs of future historians of Rose-Hulman?
  • Does an item/collection fulfill a current research need of researchers (internal or external)?
  • How would an item/collection support historical/cultural awareness of Rose-Hulman?
  • Are their space limitations that may make it difficult to accept a donation?
  • What is the condition of the collection? Are there signs of mold or insect infestation which may be damaging to the rest of the archive collections? Is the material fragile to the point where we are unable to properly care for it?
Bernadette Ewen

Bernadette Ewen

Bernadette Ewen has been leading the Institute’s library services since 2012. Her career spans private industry and teaching at Indiana University. She earned her master’s degree in library science from Indiana University and a bachelor’s degree in life sciences from Indiana State University. She is also certified in copyright management and has studied multiple languages at Switzerland’s University of Fribourg.

Rose-Hulman campus map

Contact Us

Logan Library
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
5500 Wabash Avenue
Terre Haute, IN 47803
Text a Librarian: (812) 669-3997

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