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ROTC: Air Force

Air Force ROTC is designed as a four year training program that culminates in a student's becoming an Officer in the United States Air Force. This program is designed to run concurrently with the four year college curriculum and is open to all college students at no obligation.*

We also offer modified programs which can be completed in three or two years which also earn a commission in the Air Force. Once students have completed Air Force ROTC and college requirements they are off to serve at least the next four years in leadership positions throughout the Air Force.

*Based on individual situations, Air Force ROTC will ask for an obligation before more advanced training or monies are paid to a student. Until such time, the classes are free and at no obligation-contact Air Force ROTC for more details.


The Air Force is looking for the best and brightest students the country has to offer. To assist these students with their college education, a variety of scholarships are offered on a nationwide competitive basis. Scholarship winners attending Rose-Hulman can receive up to the full cost of tuition, plus payment of most school fees. Scholarships also pay for books along with a monthly tax-free stipend, during the school year. In addition, Rose-Hulman offers financial incentives to students bringing their ROTC scholarship to Rose-Hulman. For more information on Air Force scholarships, contact Rose-Hulman Admissions or Air Force ROTC Detachment 218 at Indiana State University, Technology Center Room 203, Terre Haute, IN 47809-2245. Phone (812) 237-2657.

The Air Force ROTC courses are designed to develop the leadership and management skills required to be an effective Air Force officer. Topics range from Air Force history to ethics and values. The curriculum is separated into four (4) major areas:

Profession of Arms Designed specifically for the continued development of professional knowledge and skills unique to the Air Force profession. Subject areas include officership, military law, laws of armed conflict, military customs and courtesies, and the individual's role in supporting organizational and Air Force policies.

Communications Skills Designed specifically to enhance professional development, which is integrated throughout the AFROTC curriculum. Emphasis is on a progressive study of the various communication skills required of Air Force junior officers. The curriculum is designed to provide both instruction and application of principles and concepts in written communications, staff communication instruments, oral communication, and the nature and art of effective listening.

Leadership Studies Designed to examine aspects of military leadership and management functions as a part of the overall concept of leadership. An examination of leader variables and characteristics provides a lead-in to a protracted study of leadership theory. Leadership and management skills are developed and applied in Leadership Laboratory and cadet corps activities. Leadership training is emphasized at Field Training where team sports, military drill, and special leadership problems are mandatory.

Military Studies/International Security Studies Designed to develop an understanding of the nature of conflict and how the United States military forces, particularly aerospace forces, are developed, organized, and employed. Subjects include the need for national security, the evolution and formulation of American defense policy and strategy, regional security issues, and joint doctrine.

Air Force ROTC classes, text books, and uniforms are free to all fully-enrolled cadets. Once enrolled as a full member of the program, cadets are eligible to attend a variety of professional development programs during the summer months. Successful completion of the Air Force ROTC program results in a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the active duty US Air Force.

Plan of Study

Freshman Open Close
Sophomore Open Close
Junior Open Close
Senior Open Close


Leadership Laboratory is part of the curriculum for all four years of study. This lab is designed to give students hands-on application of the skills taught in the classes. In addition, students practice the various customs and courtesies and leadership skills they will be use once they enter active duty.

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