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Course Descriptions

Our engineering design program offers an intensive hands-on education taught by experienced professors from both engineering and the humanities and social sciences. The program is designed to teach students the depth and breadth of the design process along with the necessary technical tools and professional skills to improve the world we live in. Engineering Design is an undergraduate program.

ENGD 305 - Material Selection Practicum

  • Credit Hours: 2R-0L-2C
  • Term Available: -
  • Graduate Studies Eligible: No
  • Prerequisites: ENGD 304 or ME 328 or CHE 315 or BE 233 or CE 320 and student must obtain professional employment such as an internship or co-op.
  • Corequisites: None

Explains the definition of common mechanical properties and identifies when a property is important for a given component or application. Carries out design translation to define the function, constraints, objectives, and free variables of an engineering component. Selects the best material for a given application considering all classes of materials including metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites. Students will apply course concepts to their work environment. The work environment must contain some phases of the design process such as stakeholder analysis, conceptual design, risk analysis, detail design, manufacturing, testing, validation, or recycling.

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