• Accessibility

Accessibility Statement.

Computer Engineering

Computer Engineers (CPE) are electrical engineers that have additional training in the areas of software design and hardware-software integration. Common CPE tasks include writing embedded software for real-time microcontrollers, designing VLSI chips, working with analog sensors, designing mixed signal circuit boards, and designing operating systems. Computer engineers are also well-suited for research in the field of robotics, which relies on using computers together with other electrical systems. Below is a recommended plan of study for CPE.

CPE program educational objectives

Computer Engineering graduates shall:

  1. Practice excellence in their profession using a systems approach encompassing technological, economic, ethical, environmental, social, and human issues within a changing global environment;
  2. Function independently and in leadership positions within multidisciplinary teams;
  3. Continue life-long learning by acquiring new knowledge, mastering emerging technologies, and using  appropriate tools and methods;
  4. Adapt and independently extend their learning to excel in fields about which they are passionate;
  5. Strengthen teams and communities through collaboration, effective communication, public service, and leadership.

CPE Student Learning Outcomes

At the time of graduation, students will have demonstrated:

  1. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
  2. an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and 2018-2019 Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs – Proposed Changes 40 welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
  3. an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
  4. an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
  5. an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
  6. an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
  7. an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

The computer engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,www.abet.org


Course Number Course Title Credits
ECE160 Engineering Practice 2
ECE180 Introduction to Signal Processing 4
ECE203 DC Circuits 4
ECE204 AC Circuits 4
ECE205 Circuits and Systems 4
ECE230 Introduction to Embedded Systems 4
ECE233 Introduction to Digital Systems 4
ECE250 Electronic Device Modeling 4
ECE300 Continuous-Time Signals Systems 4
ECE312 Communication Networks 4
ECE332 Computer Architecture II 4
ECE343 High Speed Digital Design 4
ECE362 Principles of Design 3
Discrete-Time Signals and Systems
Linear Control Systems
ECE460 Engineering Design I 3
ECE461 Engineering Design II 4
ECE462 Engineering Design III 2
CSSE120 Intro to Software Development 4
CSSE220 Object-Oriented Software Dev 4
CSSE230 Data Structure & Algorithm Analysis  4
CSSE232 Computer Architecture I 4
CSSE332 Operating Systems 4
PH111 Physics I 4
PH112 Physics II 4
PH113 Physics III 4
MA111 Calculus I 5
MA112 Calculus II 5
MA113 Calculus III 5
MA221 Matrix Algebra & Differential Equations I  4
MA222 Matrix Algebra & Differential Equations II  4
MA381 Intro to Probability 4
MA374 Combinatorics 4
RH131 Rhetoric & Composition 4
RH330 Technical & Professional Communication 4
RHIT100 Foundations of RHIT Success 1
ECE Area Electives 12
HSSA Electives 28
Math/Sci Elective 4
Restricted Science Elective 4
Technical Elective 4
Free Electives 8

*CPE students who are also earning the robotics minor MUST take ECE320.


The ECE Department will not allow the following second major combinations:

  1. Degree in Electrical Engineering and a Second Major in Computer Engineering.
  2. Degree in Computer Engineering and a Second Major in Electrical Engineering.


The Minor in ECE is designed to allow students to add another dimension to their Rose-Hulman degree.

Advisor: ECE Department Head

Requirements for Minor in ECE

  • ECE203, or ES203, or both ES213 and ES213L
  • Plus five additional ECE courses, except ECE160, ECE362, ECE460, ECE461, ECE462, ECE466, and ECE206



Communications Certificate
Certificate Advisor:  Dr. Yong Jin Kim

ECE 300 Continuous-Time Signals Systems
ECE 380 Discrete-Time Signals and Systems
ECE 312 Communication Networks
MA 381 Introduction to Probability with Applications to Statistics

Plus any three courses from the following list.  Additional courses not in this list may be approved by the Certificate Advisor. 

ECE 310 Communication Systems
ECE 414 Wireless Systems
ECE 512 Probability, Random Processes, and Estimation
ECE 553 Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuit Design
CSSE 432 Computer Networks
MA 476  Algebraic Codes

Plan of Study

Freshman Open Close
Sophomore Open Close
Junior Open Close
Senior Open Close

Total credits required: 194

* CPE students who are also earning the robotics minor MUST take ECE320.

At least 8 of the 12 credit hours of Area Elective must bear an ECE prefix at the 400 level or above.  At most 4 credit hours of the Area Electives can bear an ECE or CSSE prefix at the 300 level or above.  No more than 4 credit hours of ECE498 can be counted towards Area Electives and ECE398 cannot be counted as Area  Elective credit. Exceptions can be made to these requirements with ECE Department Head and Advisor approval.

TECHNICAL ELECTIVE - CHEM and BIO 100 level courses or other courses at the 200 level or above NOT bearing an HSSA prefix.  Exceptions can be made for the 200 level requirement with Department Head and Advisor approval.

FREE ELECTIVE - Free electives may be selected from any RHIT courses other than ECE206, ES213, or ES213L.

RESTRICTED SCIENCE ELECTIVE - (4 credit hours required) Must take one of the following electives including the lab: CHEM111, PH255, PH405, BIO110, BIO120, BIO130.

MATH/SCIENCE ELECTIVE - MA100-Level and PH100-Level credits cannot be used to satisfy this elective. MA 351-356 Problem Solving Seminar may not be used for these electives.  Courses that are cross-listed with any engineering courses will not satisfy these electives.

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