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Course Descriptions

The undergraduate program in chemical engineering undertakes to prepare individuals for careers in the chemical process industries. These include all industries in which chemical and energy changes are an important part of the manufacturing process, such as the petroleum, rubber, plastics, synthetic fiber, pulp and paper, fermentation, soap and detergents, glass, ceramic, photographic and organic and inorganic chemical industries.

CHE 512 - Petrochemical Processes

  • Credit Hours: 4R-0L-4C
  • Term Available: W
  • Graduate Studies Eligible: No
  • Prerequisites: CHE 321 or consent of instructor
  • Corequisites: None

Multicomponent separation of petroleum by flash vaporization. Processes for production of light petroleum products from heavier derivatives. Production of petrochemicals such as ethylene, methanol, and ammonia from natural gas and other fossil fuels. Group projects and presentations on refinery and petrochemical processes. Material balances and economic evaluations of the processes.

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