• Accessibility

Accessibility Statement.

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Course Descriptions

The curriculum of the program in the Department of Mathematics is designed to provide a broad education in both theoretical and applied mathematics. It also develops the scientific knowledge and the problem solving, computing, and communications skills that are critical to a successful mathematically based career.

MA 494 - Senior Project III

  • Credit Hours: 2C
  • Term Available: W,S
  • Graduate Studies Eligible: No
  • Prerequisites: MA 493
  • Corequisites: None

Either participation in a sponsored project or investigation of a problem with a substantial mathematical application, modeling and/or computational content. Students either work individually or in a team typically of 2 or 3, under the supervision of the faculty adviser (course instructor), interacting with the sponsor (if there is one). Problems vary considerably, depending upon student interest, but normally require computer implementation and documentation. All work required for completion of the Senior Project must be completed in a form acceptable to the adviser and the sponsor if there is one. A submitted written report and public presentation to department are required

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