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Course Descriptions

The Rose‑Hulman Master of Science in Engineering Management and Master of Engineering Management are designed for engineers who seek to deepen their technical background while acquiring solid, forward-looking management credentials. In our curricula, you'll find the management foundations of an MBA, but with added technical focus. We provide technology and business leaders a convenient fast track to the integration of management skills and critical technical knowledge.

EMGT 534 - Management Science

  • Credit Hours: 4R-OL-4C
  • Term Available: F
  • Graduate Studies Eligible: No
  • Prerequisites: Senior or graduate standing
  • Corequisites: None

A study of the development and analysis of various mathematical models useful in managerial decision-making. This includes discussions of what models are, how to create them, how they are used, and what insights they provide. Spreadsheets will be used to do much of the computational work. Topics considered include linear, integer, and nonlinear programming, network models, inventory management, project management, and simulation models. Examples from all areas of business and industry will be investigated. We will also investigate how companies are using these techniques to solve current problems. Same as MA 534.

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