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ENGD 120 - Engineering Design Studio III

  • Credit Hours: 4R-12L-6C
  • Term Available: S
  • Graduate Studies Eligible: No
  • Prerequisites: ENGD 110
  • Corequisites: None

Continues the design process with software development, instrumentation and measurement techniques, and cultural, historical, and social contexts and values surrounding scientific and technological development work. Adds more advanced programming concepts (implicit loops and conditionals) and tasks of software development (such as development of user interfaces). Includes use of electronic components (op amps, capacitors, inductors) and signal processing (amplifiers and filters). Social contexts for analysis of technology and its history include gender and work, with particular attention to the social implications of biotechnology. Students may not receive credit towards graduation for both ENGD120 and CSSE120, BE201, or IA239. Successful completion of ENGD110 and ENGD120 satisfies the requirements of an Engineering Topics elective (4 hr. elective), CSSE120, and IA239.

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