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Course Descriptions

The civil engineering curriculum is designed to give the student a sound education in preparation for this people-oriented, public works profession. The first two years include courses that deal with the principles of mathematics, physical and engineering sciences on which engineering concepts are based, as well as courses in humanities and social sciences and introductory courses in engineering and design. The last two years are devoted to developing the necessary technical competence, as well as the ability to apply the knowledge that the student has acquired to the design and synthesis of complex civil engineering projects.

CE 400 - Career Preparation Seminar

  • Credit Hours: 1R-0L-0C
  • Term Available: S
  • Graduate Studies Eligible: No
  • Prerequisites: CE 488
  • Corequisites: None

Preparation for the student to become a practicing engineer. Topics include Civil Engineering job expectations, continuing education, legal considerations, professionalism, consumer topics, and financial considerations.

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