Our assessment approach involves making our expectations explicit and public, setting appropriate criteria and high standards for learning quality, systematically gathering, analyzing and interpreting evidence to determine how well performance matches expectations and standards and using the resulting information to document, explain and improve performance. (Angelo, T.A. AAHE Bulletin, November 1997, pg. 7). Using the Transparency Framework provided by the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment as a guide, the Office of Institutional Research, Planning and Assessment (IRPA) at Rose-Hulman strives to provide both internal and external stakeholders with details on campus-level assessment efforts.
National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (2011). Transparency Framework. Graphics and more information available at www.learningoutcomesassessment.org/ourwork/transparency-framework/
What our faculty say
- A 2015 survey of Rose-Hulman faculty conducted by Sam Houston State University found that 100 percent of respondents agreed that “assessment is expected as part of my institution’s continuous improvement process.” More than 75 percent agreed that assessments are 1) typically connected back to student learning, 2) emphasized as part of the organizational culture, and 3) help identify the extent to which student learning outcomes are met.