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Institute Student Learning Outcomes

The Commission on the Assessment of Student Outcomes (CASO) is responsible for maintaining the Institute-level outcomes and their associated assessment process, the RosEvaluation System.

The Rose-Hulman Institute Student Learning Outcomes (ISLOs) articulate knowledge, skills, and behaviors that Rose-Hulman students are expected to demonstrate by the time of graduation. The outcomes are not dependent on a particular program of study, but rather they characterize generally what it means to be a graduate of Rose-Hulman.

Rose-Hulman Institute Student Learning Outcomes –

Our Graduates will be technically competent in their domain and

  • Critical Thinkers
  • Creative Problem Solvers
  • Effective Communicators
  • Ethical Professionals
  • Leaders and Collaborators
  • Informed Global Citizens
  • Self-Directed Learners
  • Civically Engaged Citizens

Committee for the Assessment of Student Outcomes (CASO)

The Committee serves as the steward of the Institute Student Learning Outcomes (ISLOs) which are defined and approved by the Faculty. The Committee ensures that both Institute and general education student learning outcomes are regularly evaluated, and assessment results are used for continuous improvement activities at both the department and Institute levels. The Committee develops and maintains rubrics to evaluate student work within each of the eight ISLO domains.


Each year, a group of faculty raters collect and evaluate over 2000+ student artifacts. The raters determine student attainment of our outcomes, and the results help to support both institute and program continuous improvement efforts. The evaluations are communicated with faculty and staff to improve student learning across campus. For more information, please contact IRPA@rose-hulman.edu.

RosEvaluation Results: Criteria

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