Advancing Knowledge
We’re proud of our many faculty authors who are advancing their fields through their writing and research.
Patricia Ann Carlson
Educational Telecommunications; Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia
- Carlson, P. A. (1992), "Varieties of Virtual: Expanded Metaphors for Computer-Mediated Learning," in Edward Barrett (Ed.), The Social Creation of Knowledge: Multi-Media, Hypermedia, and the Social Construction of Knowledge. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 53-77.
- Carlson, P. A. (1991), "Virtual Text and New Habits of Mind," in H. Maurer (Ed.), New Results and New Trends in Computer Science. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 25-53.
- Carlson, P. A. (1989), "Hypertext and Intelligent Interfaces for Text Retrieval," in Edward Barrett (Ed.), The Society of Text: Hypertext, Hypermedia, and the Social Construction of Information. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 57-76.
- Carlson, P. A. (1988), "Hypertext: A Way of Incorporating User Feedback into On-line Documentation," Text, Context, and Hypertext: Writing with and for the Computer. Edward Barrett (Ed.), Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 91-110.
- Carlson, P. A. (1984), "A Freshman Course in Writing and Problem Solving," in Carl H. Klaus (Ed.), Writing and Learning in Higher Education: Model Courses and Programs. Boynton/Cook.
Terrence Casey
Forging the Iron Lady: Margaret Thatcher, the 1970s, and the Origins of Neoliberalism
The Legacy of the Crash: How the Financial Crisis Changed America and Britain
The Blair Legacy: Politics, Policy, Governance, and Foreign Affairs
The Social Context of Economic Change in Britain: Between Policy and Performance
Gustavo Garcia
Critical edition of the 19th–century Bolivian novel Juan de la Rosa. Memoirs of the last soldier of the independence movement by Nataniel Aguirre. This is the first annotated edition of the novel that is considered the best in Bolivian literature. This is published in Spanish as seen in the citation below:
Juan de la Rosa. Memorias del último soldado de la independencia de Nataniel Aguirre. Edición crítica. La Paz: Plural Ediciones, 2010.
Latin American Testimonial Literature. (Re)presentation and (self)construction of the subaltern subject. This is a book that examines testimonial literature using examples from Bolivia, Guatemala and Peru. This is published in Spanish as seen in the citation below:
La literatura testimonial latinoamericana. (Re)presentación y (auto)construcción del sujeto subalterno, Madrid: Editorial Pliegos, 2003.
Juan de la Rosa. Memorias del último soldado de la independencia de Nataniel Aguirre. Edición crítica. La Paz: Plural Ediciones, 2010.
Latin American Testimonial Literature. (Re)presentation and (self)construction of the subaltern subject. This is a book that examines testimonial literature using examples from Bolivia, Guatemala and Peru. This is published in Spanish as seen in the citation below:
La literatura testimonial latinoamericana. (Re)presentación y (auto)construcción del sujeto subalterno, Madrid: Editorial Pliegos, 2003.
Ralph P. Grimaldi
Marc Herniter
Josh Holden
- Making Mathematics with Needlework: Ten Papers and Ten Projects, 2007
- Chapter 9: The Graph Theory of Blackwork Embroidery
Michael A. Kukral
Samuel Martland
When the Earth Moves: Earthquakes and Popular Politics in Latin America