Rose-Hulman Student Alex Anisimov Changes Community by “Coding for Good”

Software engineering student Alex Anisimov, a member of the Noblitt Scholars Program cares about “coding for good”, propelling his career and his community to new access to resources.
Alex Anisimov
Major: Software Engineering, with a concurrent master’s degree in Engineering Management
Minor: Artificial Intelligence
Hometown: Moscow, Russia
Coming into Rose-Hulman, Alex Anisimov had a passion for "coding for good," which he has further developed in college and through the Noblitt Scholars Program. He quickly became involved with Noblitt Scholars STEM Outreach Committee as a web developer.
"Our goal is to develop an online repository of free resources for elementary to high school students who may not have access to paid courses," he said. "The workshops we have uploaded at this point were created by current Noblitt Scholars. I know that as a web developer of the repository, I'm able to benefit students in my community, as well as any remote community with access to the Internet."
Anisimov also took advantage of other service learning opportunities provided by the Noblitt Scholars Program, including assembling bikes during Rose-Hulman's annual Bikes for Tykes event, hosting STEM outreach workshops for Girl Scouts, and participating in socials with senior citizens and food distribution drive-throughs.
"Back in my high school, it might not have always been clear whether my involvement as a leader was even needed," Anisimov said. "There sometimes wasn't a lot of direction and feedback. As a Noblitt Scholar, I feel that my contributions are valued and what I do actually matters."
Anisimov's passion for coding has also propelled his own career. He is the vice president of Rose Rocketry Club, as well as the lead software developer for the Rose Propulsion Lab subteam. Anisimov performs computer science research with Rose-Hulman professor Joseph Hollingsworth, PhD, as well.
Anisimov also welcomes prospective students to campus as an A-Team tour guide and is a member of the Delta Rho Sigma entrepreneurship society.
Anisimov programmed his path to a software engineering internship at Rose-Hulman Ventures and a software development internship with Wi-tronix. Wi-Tronix develops Internet of Things solutions for the rail industry, facilitating and accelerating accident response.
"I was on the embedded software side, and my biggest project was integrating the hardware of our new customer with our software suite," he said. He needed to connect to the customer's event recorder, which is similar to an airplane's black box, decode over 380 signals, and send them to the other side of the project, displaying the information to the customer through the Wi-Tronix website.
"I also resolved about ten additional smaller stories and bugs," he added.
At the end of his internship, Anisimov was offered a remote, part-time, co-op with the company, a position created specifically for him, allowing him to continue to apply the skills he is learning in class at Rose-Hulman.
"I believe software engineering is one of the fields that can actually make the world a better place," Anisimov said.
He continues to use his programming prowess to impact the people around him, and because of him and his passion for coding, his community has been changed for good.