First-Year Student Mary Claire Obluda Explores Her Passions and the Wilderness
Mary Claire Obluda
Major: Chemical Engineering, with a concurrent master’s degree in Engineering Management
Minor: Environmental Engineering
Hometown: Lake Charles, Louisiana
Before she even started classes at Rose-Hulman, Mary Claire Obluda was fishing for a wild impact. She completed an internship at the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries as a Hutton Scholar through the Junior Fisheries Biology Program. There, she worked in the field, collecting samples through electrofishing, gillnets, seining, diving, and dredging. Obluda then analyzed the results to inform the department about how best to implement hunting and fishing limits to protect wildlife.
Her prior prowess of the outdoors proved a great catch when she attended the Voyageur Outward Bound School with other Noblitt Scholars for a week of canoeing, portaging, and hard work in the Boundary Waters Canoe Wilderness in Northern Minnesota before fall quarter began.
"This experience truly redefined my perspective on overcoming challenges," she said. "I truly grew so much as a leader and team player during the experience, while also making lifelong connections with my fellow leaders throughout the program. The skills I honed through Outward Bound allow me to thrive through the project-based classes and fast-paced environment here at Rose."
Obluda strives to help others achieve their educational goals as well. She hosted a Live AP Environmental Science Cram Review for Fiveable, preparing over 200 students for their college credit exams by organizing educational resources, presenting test topics, answering questions, and providing practice problems. She also was an intern for her local STEM center and their engineering camps, spending the week mentoring and helping campers with their projects.
Obluda is currently a tutor for AskRose Homework Help, providing students in grades 6-12 with free math and science tutoring. In addition, she works in Logan Library and serves on the Student Activities Board, helping other students to make the most of their Rose-Hulman experience. She is also involved in the America Institute of Chemical Engineers and the Society of Women Engineers.
"The Noblitt Scholars program has given me the chance to spend my time chasing my dreams and discovering my passions," Obluda said. "I've gained friends who are driven and dedicated to leadership at Rose-Hulman. The Noblitt Scholars Program has allowed me to make connections with faculty in the chemical engineering department and throughout campus."
Obluda continues to be a positive force in STEM education, bringing everyone she encounters along for the voyage.