Students Recognized for Top-of-Class, Academic Department Achievements

Students were honored by their academic departments and the Office of Academic Affairs at this year’s Honors and Awards Ceremony for outstanding scholastic achievements, leadership, character, and potential for future success.
More than 120 undergraduate and graduate students were recognized for their scholastic, leadership, character, and potential for career success in this year’s Honors and Awards Ceremony on May 18 at the Hatfield Hall Theater. The list included 83 scholars achieving top-of-class academic status.
Several of the high-achieving seniors are planning to continue their educations in doctoral degree programs in their career fields at such prestigious universities and colleges as Princeton University, University of Notre Dame, Georgia Institute of Technology, Ohio State University, University of Washington, University of Illinois, University of Kansas, Purdue University, Colorado School of Mines, and University of Central Florida. Other upcoming graduates will soon begin careers with MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Marathon Petroleum Corporation, Hewlett-Packard Company, Boston Scientific Corporation, and Lochmueller Group.
Earning top class academic honors, based on the highest grade-point average and having the highest number of graded credit hours in each student class, following the 2022-23 school year, were: Andrew Kosikowski, a student majoring in computer science, software engineering, mathematics, and data science, the Carl Wischmeyer Award as the outstanding junior; Ben Lyons, a mathematics and physics major, the Paul N. Bogart Prize as the outstanding sophomore; and McKenna Gumerson, a chemical engineering student, the Heminway Bronze Medal as the outstanding first-year student.
Recognized as Carl Wischmeyer Scholars for having top grade-point averages after their junior year (2022-23) were Ayden Ayres, Nathan Dalton, Olivia Davis, Ella Dorfmueller, Dylan Dorman, Michael Fraczek, Zack Gault, Nat Hurtig, Arjent Imeri, Yingeng Liu, Peyton D. Miller, Tracy Orgera, Nathan Quets, Adithya Ramji, Andrew Shaw, Hannah Snider, Liam Waterbury, and Kate Wood.
Named Paul N. Bogart Scholars for being top of the class academically after the sophomore year (2022-23) were Salik Ahmad, Ariadna Duvall, James Franke, Daniel Gaull, Natalie Hannum, Fritz Kyser, Kaylee Lane, Daniel Laritz, Joshua Lowe, Henry Nunns, Ethan Ockwig, Dylan Page, Hannah Ponstine, Vineet Ranade, Justin Roberts, Josh Schrock, Ellen Shales, and Isaac Towne.
Heminway Scholars recognition were bestowed on the following top-ranked first-year students (after 2022-23 school year): Elliott Anderson, Kyle Asbury, Brian Beasley, Wil Bell, Tommaso Calviello, Drew Cameron, Kevin Cotellesso, John Dickinson, Nicholas Douglas, Andrew Frush, Gaurav Gajavelli, Cynthia Gallegos Rodriguez, Will Geoghegan, Warren Goik, Eli Granade, Yejia Hao, Logan Hill, Ethan Hutton, Adam Jirovec, Travis Judson, Jared Kagay, Edward Kang, James Kaunas, Aidan Kriek, Lauren Marquardt, Isaac Mierow, Jaxon Naviaux, Connor O’Connell, Steven Reese, Andrew Repine, Cale Royer, Mark Serdinak, Jack Silkaitis, Eric Soo-Yoshimura, Henry Stern, Chong-Yi Su, Blaise Swartwood, Kevin Tang, Rebecca Testa, Kunaal Tyagi, Austin Vesich, Nathan Yang, and Alex Yim.
This year’s academic department award winners were:
John M. Beals Outstanding Biology Graduate Award: Michael Fraczek
Samuel F. Hulbert Outstanding Biomedical Engineering Graduate Award: Kylie Rathbun and Eleni Woods
Marathon Petroleum Award for Excellence in Chemical Engineering: McKenna Gumerson
Endress+Hauser Award for Excellence in Chemical Engineering: Hannah Snider
Sam C. Hite Award for the Outstanding Senior in Chemical Engineering: Ella Dorfmueller
John White Award in Chemistry: Caspar Freeze and Vito Liu
William Albert Noyes, Sr. in Chemistry: Hannah Snider
Mottel Outstanding Graduate in Chemistry Award: Sophia Gospodinova and Tatenda Mafa
American Society of Civil Engineers Alumni Award: Kyra Hicks
Morris L. Cleverley Award: Makayla Ray
Shelton Hannig Award: Zoe Sterr
Pearson Education Outstanding Senior Award: Nyomi Morris
Frank Young Outstanding Service Award: Nat Hurtig and Nyomi Morris
Frank Young Outstanding Scholarship Award: Nat Hurtig
Clarence Knipmeyer Award-Electrical Engineering: Nathan Quets and Andrew Shaw
Clarence Knipmeyer Award-Computer Engineering: Kevin Lin
Outstanding Senior Award-Electrical Engineering: Dan Myers
Outstanding Senior Award- Computer Engineering: Sarah Hoatson
Outstanding IEEE Member-Electrical Engineering: Jacob Goodhew
Outstanding IEEE Member-Computer Engineering: Kevin Lin
Outstanding Senior Economics Major: Hannah Richardsen and Manuella Shomba
Research and Analysis Essay Award: John Gries
First-Year Writing Seminar Essay Award: Emmet Southfield
Interpretation of Texts and Cultures Essay Award: Sarah Hoatson
The Clarence P. Sousley Award: Aden Shaw
Henry Turner Eddy Award-Applications of Mathematics: Henry Nunns
Henry Turner Eddy Award-Theoretical Mathematics: Ben Lyons
Theodore Paine Palmer Award: Yujin Sung
Edward A. MacLean Award: Hannah Ponstine
Senior ME Student Leadership Award: Ayden Ayres and Sam Betts
Cummins Inc. Most Outstanding Senior Year Award: Sam Betts
Steinhauser Outstanding Junior Award: Hannah Ponstine
Captain “Sarge” Kearns Leadership Award: Andrew Jacobson
CPT W.D. Weidlein Volunteer Leadership Award: Carter James
Jean M. Bennett Award: Arjent Imeri
John W. Rhee Memorial Award: Peyton D. Miller
Outstanding Senior Engineering Physics Award: Janine Dias
Outstanding Project Award: Haiden Smith
College Sports Communicators’ Academic All-Americans: Dyan Page (Football), Vineet Ranade (Men’s Swimming), and Grant Ripperda (Football)