Rose-Hulman Hosting Prestigious Ross Math Summer Program for High-Achieving High School Students

Highly motivated pre-college students are on campus through July 29 to explore their interests in a variety of mathematics areas, including basic number theory, interests through the Ross Mathematics Program.
Rose-Hulman is among two national sites hosting the prestigious 2022 Ross Mathematics Program this summer. The intensive educational experience will encourage highly motivated pre-college students to explore their math interests within the campus of the top-ranked college for STEM education.
Sixty high school students ranging in age from 15 to 18 years old are spending six weeks, through July 29, at Rose-Hulman to learn the art of mathematical thinking, through basic number theory principles, and gain inspiration to discover for themselves that abstract ideas are valuable and important.
The program and its instruction are not associated with Rose-Hulman or its faculty, but rather with the Ross Mathematics Program, which has been in existence since 1957 at the University of Notre Dame, Ohio State University and Ohio Dominican University.
Rose-Hulman Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Rick Stamper said, “We’re looking forward to hosting some of the nation’s top young mathematics problem solvers on our campus this summer. This program will supplement our regular summer pre-college programs to create an environment that gives high-achieving high school students from across America the opportunity to explore their interests in science, engineering, and mathematics as well as build college preparedness and competitiveness.”
The Ross Program is organized around a series of daily problem sets in number theory. These sets invite the students to contemplate a variety of seemingly simple questions about numbers and their relationships. As the summer progresses the students are encouraged to further investigate these mathematical areas.
Find out more about the Ross Program here.