New Summer Program Lets Students Accelerate Rose-Hulman Degrees

Rose Accelerate is a new virtual program that allows high school students to earn college credits in six core courses this summer that will provide a valuable head start on earning degrees from one of the nation’s best STEM colleges.
Rose-Hulman is introducing a new virtual program, Rose Accelerate, for high school students who will be juniors and seniors in the fall – allowing them to earn college credits that will provide a valuable head start on earning Rose-Hulman degrees.
The courses are taught online by faculty at one of the nation’s best science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) colleges. High school students must meet academic requirements, have a school counselor’s recommendation, access to the necessary technology to participate in online courses, and if possible, demonstrate college readiness through standardized test scores.
Dean of Faculty Russ Warley said, “The Rose Accelerate program will allow students to be in classes with others who share STEM interests and are passionate about learning. Many of them will become their future peers at Rose-Hulman.”
Vice President of Enrollment Management Tom Bear adds that Rose Accelerate also will give students the opportunity to participate in the institute’s Rose Squared degree program, which provides a pathway for students to earn a Rose-Hulman bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree within four years.
“Rose Accelerate allows students great flexibility for their Rose-Hulman careers. Besides the Rose Squared program, they will be able to have specially tailored academic programs to their STEM interests, participate in study abroad, or gain co-op work opportunities. These could be valuable assets in their future career fields,” Bear said.
Courses being taught from June 3 to August 20 will be Chemistry/Chemistry Lab, Calculus 1, Introduction to Software Development, Introduction to Film Studies, Japanese Popular Culture, and Music Theory 1.
Learn more about the Rose Accelerate course descriptions, costs, and how to apply at