Chemical Engineering Names Spring 2019-20 Noel E. Moore Achievement Award Recipients

Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Winners of the spring 2019-20 Noel Moore Award: Taryn, Ben, Nate, and Daniel.

The Department of Chemical Engineering recognizes the good attitudes that these students show toward learning and congratulates Taryn, Ben, Nate and Daniel for being great role models.

The Department of Chemical Engineering has announced the winners of the Noel E. Moore Achievement Award for spring quarter 2019-20.

The winners are sophomore Taryn E. Perry, junior Benjamin T. Yoss, and seniors Nathaniel A. Michael and Daniel E. Tews.

Each quarter, the department recognizes academic excellence on the part of our students. The awards are named in memory of Professor Noel E. Moore, an outstanding educator and faculty leader on campus for 30 years. Moore served for a decade as head of the Department of Chemical Engineering was an early leader of Operation Catapult, and was a key advocate for making the institute co-educational. He was named an emeritus faculty member after his retirement in 1998. He passed away in 2018.


Taryn E. Perry (Sophomore)
Taryn Perry is being awarded the Noel Moore Award for her positive attitude, dedication to her studies, and asking relevant and insightful questions during class and office hours. Professor Adam Nolte, chemical engineering department head, says, "Taryn is a diligent student who clearly desires to fully understand the material, and brings a positive influence to the classroom, including in the online learning environment. Congratulations, Taryn!"

Benjamin T. Yoss (Junior)
Ben Yoss is recognized for his dedication to academic pursuits as well as his passion to aid those around him. "Ben is thorough in his analysis and particularly excels in his understanding of fundamentals," Nolte says. "He goes beyond simple understanding and makes sure to help his peers whenever possible. Ben is also on the baseball team. Great job, Ben!"

Nathaniel A. Michael (Senior)
The CHE faculty want to recognize Nate Michael for his dedication to his course work and enthusiasm about approaching design problems. Nolte says, "Nate has taken an active role both on project work in the design courses and on his team’s independent design project. He shows thoughtful consideration of feedback from the project mentor, maintains an upbeat attitude, and is willing to test new ideas and design options as needed. Outside of class, Nate has contributed to the on-campus community through his involvement in Pi Kappa Alpha and volunteer programs such as Bikes for Tykes. Congratulations, Nate!"

Daniel E. Tews (Senior)
Daniel Tews was selected for his perseverance in his studies and his dedication to his coursework. Nolte says, "Despite a challenging schedule, Nate went above and beyond to participate fully in his classes while asking meaningful questions, participating fully in individual and group work, and sharing his practical experience in ways that made having him in class enjoyable, productive, and educational. Congratulations, Daniel!."