Edible Car Contest to Get Rose-Hulman’s Explore Engineering Program Off to Races
Creating edible cars will get kids in the third through eighth grades excited about engineering and science in an Explore Engineering program at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. Vehicles will race from the starting line with an Edible Car Contest on Dec. 4 from 6-7:30 p.m. in the college’s Sports and Recreation Center.
This event will have students working in teams to design and create cars from an assortment of edible items. Teams will have the opportunity to race their cars down a ramp and calculate the average velocity of their vehicles.
Throughout the design and construction process, participants will have the opportunity to build communication and teamwork skills, and improve their team’s car design through trial-and-error practices. Rose-Hulman students will be on hand to assist with the building and to encourage those participating in the program.
Registration is free, but is required in advance through the Explore Engineering website. For more information, email Rene Hankins, Rose-Hulman’s director of pre-college outreach or call 812-877-8220.