What do you most expect to gain from being part of our scholars program?
I hope to find mentors who can guide me along my journey of getting my degree and finding a fulfilling career.
How do you spend your free time?
I like to watch Netflix and practice softball.
What is the nerdiest thing you do?
I binge watch Criminal Minds and fangirl over the show The Big Bang Theory.
How do you hope to change the world with the knowledge you’ll gain at Rose-Hulman?
I hope to contribute to space exploration technology so that there can be fewer unknowns about what's surrounding our planet.
How did you know Rose was right for you?
During my overnight visit, it was late and I was hanging out in a student's room when all of a sudden someone on the floor rolled down the hallway on their desk chair. He stopped at the room I was in and asked for help on a physics homework problem. Everyone in the room was happy to help. Seeing this collaboration among students and seeing them lift each other up showed me that I could thrive in the environment at Rose.