Andrew Shaw

Meet Andrew

A mechanical engineering major who enjoys playing music and helping people solve problems on their own.

What do you most expect to gain from being part of our scholars program?

By taking part in this program, I hope to be able to grow both my character and my ideas as much as possible by working with a community of like-minded people.

How do you spend your free time?

I typically spend my free time listening to or playing music, working on various projects and inventions, or just hanging out with my friends. I also enjoy playing a variety of sports, like soccer, tennis, golf, and mountain biking.

What is the nerdiest thing you do?

The nerdiest thing I do on a regular basis is attempt to give lectures to my mother on the intricacies of synthesizer circuit design or historical philosophical problems while she is trying to go to sleep at 1 in the morning.

How do you hope to change the world with the knowledge you’ll gain at Rose-Hulman?

In almost all of my inventions and ideas up until now, I have worked to find ways to help people better solve problems for themselves. Because of this, I want to use the knowledge I will gain at Rose-Hulman to design products that will allow people to better interface with their own ideas, and I hope to start in the area of my current interest: music production.

How did you know Rose was right for you?

My decision to call Rose-Hulman home took quite some time. When I first visited the school in 2018, I was able to meet with professors from several departments, and their shockingly genuine interest in helping their students learn stood out to me, even as I visited several other top-ranked engineering schools across the country. I grew even more interested in the school during my Operation Catapult session last summer when I learned just how collaborative the environment is at Rose. The final factor that made me certain of my decision, however, came when Rose demonstrated just how capable they were of creating an environment that would keep me well-educated, safe, and involved in my community, all the while continuing to better their campus and academics for their students.
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