A male and female student working in the Orthopaedic Biomedical Engineering Lab.

Our Lab

Our Orthopaedic Biomedical Engineering Laboratory is ideal for meaningful research and analysis. It provides valuable hands-on experience enhancing your opportunities for a rewarding and exciting career.

Research & Discovery

Learn more about our JRSI Lab!

Students running tests on a knee joint replacement in the Orthopaedic Biomedical Engineering Lab.

The JRSI Lab

Our Orthopaedic Biomedical Engineering Lab operates in collaboration with the Joint Replacement Surgeons of Indiana (JRSI). The lab provides opportunities for research, analysis and testing.

A male student smiling and working on an experiment inside the Orthopaedic Biomedical Engineering Lab

Our Lab Equipment

Our Resources

  • JRSI Lab
  • The Orthopaedic Biomedical Engineering Laboratory is located in the John T. Myers Center for Technological Research with Industry on the beautiful Rose-Hulman campus. The unique relationship between Rose-Hulman and JRSI creates an extensive and diverse assembly of research testing facilities. Working with JRSI, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in clinically relevant orthopedic research. Working side-by-side with surgeons, faculty and engineers, you’ll learn to design, execute and present scientific research to improve joint-replacement medical devices. You may also have the opportunity to conduct studies to evaluate the performance of existing medical equipment.

Medical Imaging and Computational Modeling

Statistical Analysis

* Supported by the National Science Foundation
# Supported by the Lookout Foundation

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