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Course Descriptions

Engineering Physics at Rose‑Hulman will provide students with a unique opportunity to learn the foundation concepts of physics and make a concentrated study in micro and nano technology. Engineering physicist will be able to apply both scientific and engineering approaches to a wide variety of problems which otherwise is not possible with any traditional engineering or science degree.

NE 511 - Advanced topics in MEMS

  • Credit Hours: 3R-3L-4C
  • Term Available: F
  • Graduate Studies Eligible: Yes
  • Prerequisites: NE 410 or NE 510 or consent of instructor
  • Corequisites: None

Topics such as: Microlithography. Design process, modeling; analytical and numerical. Use of software for layout design and device simulation. Characterization and reliability of MEMS devices. MEMS and microelectronic packaging. Introduction to microfluidic systems. Applications in engineering, biomedicine, and chemistry. Students must do additional project work on a topic selected by the instructor. Cross-listed with ME 519, ECE 519, and CHE 519.

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