Accessibility Statement.

Civil Engineering

Civil engineering is a people-oriented profession that has long been in existence to serve the needs of mankind. It evolved as a formal discipline at the start of the 19th century with the advent of society’s need for increased mobility and convenience. The role of the civil engineer has always been one that deals primarily with public works: the planning, design, and construction of airports, bridges, buildings, and transportation, irrigation, flood control, water supply and waste disposal systems. These civil engineering works not only manage our environment, but are part of the environment itself and, by their very nature, have important social and economic impacts.

The civil engineering curriculum is designed to give the student a sound education in preparation for this role. The first two years include courses that deal with the principles of mathematics, physical and engineering sciences on which engineering concepts are based, as well as courses in humanities and social sciences and introductory courses in engineering and design. The last two years are devoted to developing the necessary technical competence, as well as the ability to apply the knowledge that the student has acquired to the design and synthesis of complex civil engineering projects. Project-based learning is an essential ingredient, and a year-long, client-based capstone design project highlights the senior year.

The entire curriculum is oriented to develop a student’s ability to think critically and logically. Upon graduation the student will be able to adapt this ability to the engineering environment of his or her choice. The curriculum in civil engineering will provide the student with the capacity for professional growth, either by advanced study or as a practicing professional engineer. A student may also use this academic background as a stepping stone to a position in management, administration, law, or some other non-engineering field.

Civil Engineering Department's Mission Statement

To provide an excellent civil engineering education that prepares graduates to develop into professionals who will exceed the needs of their employers, clients, and community in a continually changing world.

Civil Engineering Department’s Program Educational Objectives and Student Learning Outcomes*

Program Educational Objectives

      I. Graduates will demonstrate the ability to perform  essential engineering functions in the design, management, or construction industry.

     II. Graduates will demonstrate the ability to  design/construct complex engineering systems in the broad-based engineering industry.

    III. Graduates will demonstrate their potential for  technical leadership and management.

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Mathematics: Apply mathematics, including differential equations and numerical methods, to solve engineering problems.
  2. Science: Apply principles of natural science to solve engineering problems.
  3. Social Sciences and Humanities: Apply concepts and principles developed from humanities and social sciences to inform engineering design.
  4. Materials Science: Apply concepts and principles of materials science to solve civil engineering problems.
  5. Engineering Mechanics: Apply concepts and principles of solid and fluid mechanics to solve engineering problems.
  6. Experimental Methods and Data Analysis: Develop and conduct civil engineering experiments in at least two technical areas, analyze and interpret experimental data, and use engineering judgement to draw conclusions.
  7. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Use critical thinking to formulate an effective solution to a civil engineering problem.
  8. Project Management: Apply concepts and principles of project management in the practice of civil engineering.
  9. Engineering Economics: Apply engineering economics concepts and principles to make engineering decisions.
  10. Risk and Uncertainty: Apply concepts and principles of probability and statistics to address uncertainty and risk relevant to civil engineering.
  11. Breadth in Civil Engineering Areas: Apply concepts and principles to solve problems in at least four technical areas appropriate to civil engineering.
  12. Design: Apply an engineering design process to complex engineering problems in more than one civil engineering technical area.
  13. Technical Depth: Apply advanced concepts and principles to solve engineering problems.
  14. Sustainability: Apply principles of sustainability in the solution of civil engineering problems.
  15. Communication: Prepare and present technical content to both specialized and general audiences in an effective manner within verbal, written, and graphical formats.
  16. Leadership: Apply leadership concepts and principles to direct the efforts of a small group. (Affective)
  17. Teamwork: Function effectively as a member of a team. (Affective)
  18. Lifelong Learning: Acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
  19. Professional Attitudes: Practice professional attitudes relevant to the practice of engineering. (Affective)
  20. Professional Responsibilities: Explain professional expectations relevant to the practice of civil engineering.
  21. Ethical Responsibilities: Analyze ethical dilemmas involving conflicting ethical interests to recommend and justify a course of action.
  22. Service: Demonstrate a commitment to service to the community as a civil engineer.

 *  The civil engineering program uses the term "educational objective" to describe the expected accomplishments of our students in three to five years following graduation. The term "student learning outcome" is used to describe knowledge and skills at the time of graduation.

The civil engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,, under the commission’s General Criteria and Program Criteria for Civil and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.

Environmental Engineering Minor

The Environmental Engineering minor includes five (5) required courses and 8 elective credit hours. The required courses provide an introduction to the overall field of environmental engineering. The elective courses allow the student to tailor the minor to their interests.

The five (5) required courses are as follows:

CE 460   Introduction to Environmental Engineering
BIO 107   Introduction to Environmental Science
CE 562/CHE 562   Advanced Wastewater Treatment
CE 563/CHE 563   Advanced Water Treatment
CE 564 Aquatic Environmental Chemistry

And eight (8) credit hours from the following courses:

CE 565   Solid and Hazardous Waste Regulation and Treatment
CE 567   Applied Hydrologic Modeling
CE 568   Surface Water Quality Modeling
CE 570 Modeling Open Channel Hydraulics
CE 571 Environmental River Mechanics
CE 573   Groundwater Analysis
CE 590   Special Problems
CHE 462   Membrane Separations
CHE 465 Energy and the Environment
CHE 470   Safety, Health, and Loss Prevention
CHEM 535 Toxicology for Chemists
BIO 320   Ecology



If interested in the Consulting Engineering Program, refer to these requirements.

Plan of Study

Freshman Open Close
Sophomore Open Close
Junior Open Close
Senior Open Close

Total credits required: 194


*Students shall choose, in consultation with their advisor, any four (4) credit course at the 200 level or higher in natural science, computer science, mathematics, biomathematics, engineering, engineering management, or multi-disciplinary studies as the Technical Elective.
**Student shall choose any 400 or 500 level CE elective course, designated with the"CE" prefix, as a CE Elective, in consultation with their advisor.
***At least 4 hours of science elective must be in a natural science outside Chemistry or Physics.
****Free elective is a total of four credits which can be from a combination of courses.

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