module DACTest ( // Produces linearly-increasing 7-bit values. Use as // a stand-alone test of DAC circuit. // Inputs: i$Clock, // Master clock (variable frequency) // Outputs: o$DAC, // DAC word o$MicroReset, o$RAMoe ); // Port mode declarations: // Inputs: input i$Clock; // Outputs: output [6:0] o$DAC; output o$MicroReset; output o$RAMoe; // Registered identifiers: // NOTE: Remove (or comment out) each line for which the 'assign' method is used reg [6:0] o$DAC; // Functionality: assign o$MicroReset = 1; assign o$RAMoe = 1; always @ (posedge i$Clock) o$DAC <= o$DAC + 1; endmodule