Homework Set 5

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Problem 1

Wakerly 3.16

Problem 2

(a) Analyze the circuit below to determine the outputs F and G as a function of inputs A and B. Use a function table to help you keep track of transistor on/off states.

(b) Draw the circuit symbol of this gate.

Problem 3

A particular logic family has the following specifications:

VOLmax = ground + 10% of VCC

VILmax = 35% of VCC

VIHmin = 80% of Vcc

VOHmin = VCC – 5% of VCC


(a) What is the LOW-state DC noise margin?
(b) What is the HIGH-state DC noise margin?
(c) What is the overall noise margin?

Problem 4

Given the voltage input waveform shown below:

Assume a 5V system power supply.

(a) Plot the response to the waveform of a standard inverter assuming a 3.0V threshold voltage.

(b) Plot the response to the waveform of a Schmitt-trigger inverter that has a low-to-high threshold of 3.0V and a high-to-low threshold of 2.0V.

Problem 5

Suppose you wish to treat each of the four systems below as a "lumped-parameter" system. Determine the minimum permissible pulse rise time that will make your assumption valid.

(a) 7 inches of coaxial cable
(b) 3 yards of coaxial cable
(c) 5 inches of PCB tracing, outer surface
(d) 0.5 inches of PCB tracing, inner surface

Problem 6

Note: Use the Java applet at http://www.ecse.rpi.edu/Courses/F97/35210/java/Transline/tr_lines.htm or http://hibp.ecse.rpi.edu/~crowley/java/Transline/tr_lines.htm for this problem.

Evaluate the following transmission line termination techniques -- comment on how quickly the signal settles down, whether or not you would get multiple transitions if a CMOS gate were to be connected to the end of the t-line, and whether or not the CMOS gate receives a solid HIGH level input voltage after the transient has died out. Use the Java applet to display the voltage at the end of the t-line (set X=100), and use Zo = 100 ohms. Include a sketch of each waveform.

(a) Source resistance = 20 ohms, load resistance = open circuit (type in “inf”).

(b) Source resistance = 20 ohms, load resistance = 20 ohms.

(c) Source resistance = 20 ohms, load resistance = 100 ohms.

(d) Source resistance = 100 ohms, load resistance = open circuit

(e) Source resistance = 100 ohms, load resistance = 100 ohms.

horizontal rule

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 ECE333: Digital Systems (W 2002-03)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

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Last updated: 03/10/05.