//----- Synthesizable Circuit -----

module MathLockIndex (
// "MathLock" reference design; top-level module
// ECE333: Digital Systems (W2002-03)
// Dr. Ed Doering

	// Inputs:
	iG$Oscillator,	// Master clock oscillator
	iG$PowerOnReset,	// Power-on reset (active high)
	iD$Keypad,	// Numerical keypad, 0 to 9

	// Outputs:
	oE$ActivatePassLED,	// Pass LED 
	oE$ActivateFailLED,	// Fail LED
	oE$OpenLock	// Open the solenoid lock

// Port mode declarations:
	// Inputs:
input	iG$Oscillator;
input	iG$PowerOnReset;
input	[9:0]	iD$Keypad;

	// Outputs:
output	oE$ActivatePassLED;
output	oE$ActivateFailLED;
output	oE$OpenLock;

// Registered identifiers:
reg	[9:0]	r$Keypad_SYNC;

// Wires to interconnect modules
wire wC$InitializeTimer;
wire wC$EnableTimer;
wire wC$AddKey;
wire wC$ClearSum;
wire wS$KeyIsPressed;
wire wS$IntervalIsComplete;
wire wS$SumIsCorrect;
wire wS$KeyPressingIsFinished;
wire [3:0] wD$KeyValue;

// Use synchronizers on all asynchronous inputs
always @ (posedge iG$Oscillator or posedge iG$PowerOnReset)
	if (iG$PowerOnReset)
		r$Keypad_SYNC <= 0;
		r$Keypad_SYNC <= iD$Keypad;

// Instantiate the system controller:
Controller Controller (
	.iG$MasterClock (iG$Oscillator),
	.iG$MasterReset (iG$PowerOnReset),

	.iS$KeyIsPressed (wS$KeyIsPressed),
	.iS$IntervalIsComplete (wS$IntervalIsComplete),
	.iS$SumIsCorrect (wS$SumIsCorrect),
	.iS$KeyPressingIsFinished (wS$KeyPressingIsFinished),

	.oC$InitializeTimer (wC$InitializeTimer),
	.oC$EnableTimer (wC$EnableTimer),
	.oC$AddKey (wC$AddKey),
	.oC$ClearSum (wC$ClearSum),

	.oE$ActivatePassLED (oE$ActivatePassLED), 
	.oE$ActivateFailLED (oE$ActivateFailLED), 
	.oE$ActivateSolenoid (oE$OpenLock)


// Instantiate the datapath devices
KeyPadEncoder KeyPadEncoder (
	.iD$KeyPad ( r$Keypad_SYNC ),

	.oS$KeyIsPressed ( wS$KeyIsPressed ),
	.oD$KeyValue ( wD$KeyValue )

KeySummer KeySummer (
	.iG$MasterClock (iG$Oscillator),
	.iG$MasterReset (iG$PowerOnReset),
	.iD$KeyValue (wD$KeyValue),
	.iC$AddKey (wC$AddKey),
	.iC$ClearSum (wC$ClearSum),

	.oD$KeySum ( ),
	.oD$KeysPressed ( ),
	.oS$SumIsCorrect (wS$SumIsCorrect),
	.oS$KeyPressingIsFinished (wS$KeyPressingIsFinished)

IntervalTimer IntervalTimer (
	.iG$MasterClock (iG$Oscillator),
	.iG$MasterReset (iG$PowerOnReset),
	.iC$InitializeTimer (wC$InitializeTimer),
	.iC$EnableTimer (wC$EnableTimer),

	.oS$IntervalIsComplete (wS$IntervalIsComplete),
	.oD$IntervalTimer ( )



This page: Created:Thu Jan 16 14:38:01 2003
From: mathlock.v

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