[Up: IntervalTimer_TB DUT][Up: MathLock IntervalTimer]

// Measures fixed time interval to activate solenoid and LEDs.

// Clock and reset:
iG$MasterClock,		// Master clock
iG$MasterReset,		// Master reset (active high)

// Control point signals from controller:
iC$InitializeTimer,	// Set timer to beginning of interval
iC$EnableTimer,			// Allow timer to operate

// Condition signals to controller:
oS$IntervalIsComplete,	// Indicates end of time interval

// Data outputs:
oD$IntervalTimer	// Value of interval timer


parameter p$TimeInterval = 20;	// Number of clock periods (assumes
											// 10-Hz master clock.

input	iG$MasterClock;
input	iG$MasterReset;
input iC$InitializeTimer;
input iC$EnableTimer;

output oS$IntervalIsComplete;
output [4:0] oD$IntervalTimer;

reg [4:0] oD$IntervalTimer;

always @ (posedge iG$MasterClock or posedge iG$MasterReset)
	if (iG$MasterReset) 
		oD$IntervalTimer <= p$TimeInterval-1;
		if (iC$InitializeTimer)
			oD$IntervalTimer <= p$TimeInterval-1;
		else if (iC$EnableTimer) 
			oD$IntervalTimer <= oD$IntervalTimer - 1;
assign oS$IntervalIsComplete = (oD$IntervalTimer == 0);



This page: Created:Thu Jan 16 14:38:01 2003
From: intervaltimer.v

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