Each homework set has two collections of problems:
Problems inspired by mathematics.
Problems inspired by computer science.
The fact that many of the problems could be placed in either category is
delightful evidence of the cross-fertilization of ideas between mathematics
and computer science.
Each problem has a stated number of "points". For example, problem
1 of the Inspired by Computer Science Homework set 1 is 4 points.
You should do problems as follows:
To pass the course,
on each homework set you must (correctly) do at least 4
points from the Inspired by Mathematics problems
and at least
4 points from the Inspired by Computer Science problems.
To get an A in the homework portion of this course, you must do considerably
more points -- averaging perhaps a total of 16 points per homework set.
(But don't hold me to that number.)
If you don't make the 4+4 minimal mark on any given homework set, please
to me right away.
If you feel that a problem deserves more points than it was listed for,
tell me (and explain why). (You should have some idea of how much time
you spent on the problem.)
Choose problems that you find enlightening and exciting. By working
hard on problems that you find interesting, you'll succeed in this seminar.