MA 479 / CSSE 479: Cryptography
Homework 7 problems inspired by Mathematics
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
A joint effort of the
Department of Mathematics
and the Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering
Spring term, 2003-2004
All these problems are paper-and-pencil problems. Please do not use a
(electronic) computer when doing these problems. Calculators are okay.
You may turn these problems in electronically to the drop boxes or
on paper. If you do your problems electronically, please use a proper
equation editor rather than trying to fake the mathematical symbols!
Drop box submissions are due at midnight on the due date. Paper
submissions are due in class or in the box outside my office by 5:00
Show your work on all problems.
I will give some partial credit, especially on multi-part problems.
- [4 points.] In the Diffie-Hellman protocol, each participant
selects a secret number x and sends the other participant gx
mod p for some public number g. What would happen if
the participants sent each other xg for some public
number g instead? Give at least one method Alice and
Bob could use to agree on a key. Can Eve break your system without
the secret numbers? Can Eve find the secret numbers?
- [24 points.] Make a key-exchange protocol using the "factoring
problem" instead of the "discrete logarithm problem".
- [4 points.] Why does it seem to be harder to make a key-exchange
protocol using the "factoring problem" instead of the "discrete
logarithm problem"?
- [2 points.] This problem illustrates the point that the
protocol is not secure without the step where you take the modulus;
i.e. the "Indiscrete Log Problem" is not a hard problem!
You are Eve, and have captured Alice and Bob and imprisoned
them. You overhear the following dialog.
Bob: Oh, let's not bother with the prime in the
Diffie-Hellman protocol, it will make things easier.
Alice: Okay, but we still need a base g to raise things to. How
about g=3?
Bob: All right, then my result is 27.
Alice: And mine is 243.
What is Bob's secret xB and Alice's secret xA?
What is their secret combined key? (Don't forget to show your work.)
- [12 points.] Pages 300 and 301 of your textbook give the
geometric and
algebraic descriptions of the addition of points on an elliptic curve.
Prove that formulas (10.3) and (10.4) in the algebraic description
give the points P+Q and 2P described in Rules 3 and 5 in
geometric description.
The following problems are from your textbook. Remember to show all of
your work!
- [2 points.] Problem 10.1. Use fast exponentiation (successive
squaring) to
do the computations modulo 71.
- [4 points.] Problem 10.2.
- [8 points.] Problem 10.4.
- [6 points.] Problem 10.5. Use fast exponentiation (successive
squaring) to do the computations modulo 71.
- [2 points.] Problem 10.6.
- [1 point.] Problem 10.8. There's a mistake in the textbook; the
points given are not on the elliptic curve given. The points should be:
P = (-3,9); Q = (-2,8).
- [6 points.] Problem 10.9. Another hint: Make a table of all
modulo 11 and use it to take square roots.
- [6 points.] Problem 10.10. Use successive doubling to do the
- [6 points.] Problem 10.11. Hint: Use your table from Problem
- [6 points.] Problem 13.8. It is easy to solve this problem by
extra communication "passes" between the signatories. We are
trying to avoid that in this problem.
- [8 points.] Problem 13.13.
Added 3 May:
- [8 points.] The following is a first attempt at an Elliptic
Curve signature
scheme. We have a global elliptic curve, prime p, and
"generator" G. Alice picks a private signing key xA
and forms the public verifying key YA=xAG.
To sign a message M:
- Alice picks a nonce k.
- Alice sends Bob M, k and the signature S=M-kxAG.
- Bob verifies that M=S+kYA
- Show that this scheme works. That is, show the the
verification process produces an equality if the signature is valid.
- Show that the scheme is unacceptable by describing a simple
technique for forging a user's signature on an arbitrary message.
- [12 points.] Here is an improved version of the scheme given in
previous problem. As before, we have a global elliptic curve, prime
p, and "generator" G. Alice picks a private
signing key xA and forms the public verifying key
YA=xAG. To sign a message M:
- Bob picks a nonce k.
- Bob sends Alice C1=kG.
- Alice sends Bob M and the signature S=M-xAC1.
- Bob verifies that M=S+kYA
- Show that this scheme works. That is, show the the
verification process produces an equality if the signature is valid.
- Show that forging a message in this scheme is as hard as
breaking (ElGamal) Elliptic Curve Cryptography. (Or find an easier way
to forge a message?)
- This scheme has an extra "pass" compared to other
cryptosystems and signature schemes we have looked at. What are some
drawbacks to this? (The real ElGamal Signature Scheme avoids this
- [64 points.] Make a cryptosystem using elliptic curves which
uses a hard problem other than the elliptic curve discrete log problem.