MA 479 / CSSE 479: Cryptography
Homework 5 problems inspired by Computer Science

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
A joint effort of the
Department of Mathematics
and the Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering
Spring term, 2003-2004

For the programming problems: I am always open to other suggestions for programming projects. Come talk to me if you have one in mind that you don't see here.

The non-programming problems you may turn in to the drop boxes or on paper.

Drop box submissions are due at midnight on the due date. Paper submissions are due in class or in the box outside my office by 5:00 p.m.

  1. [8 points.] Create software that can encrypt and decrypt using the Pohlig-Hellman exponential cipher as explained in class. (That is, block size m=2, p=3001, "a"=0.)
  2. [12 points.] Create software that can encrypt and decrypt using the Pohlig-Hellman exponential cipher with arbitrary (within reason) block size m.  Have your program report its value of p so that the results can be checked.  (Continue to use "a"=0.)
  3. [4 points.] Demonstrate your understanding of the key-generation step of the RSA cryptosystem by:

    This problem is VERY easy in Maple because:

  4. [2 points.] Demonstrate your understanding of the encryption step of the RSA cryptosystem by: This problem is VERY easy in Maple.

  5. [2 points.] Demonstrate your understanding of the decryption step of the RSA cryptosystem by: This problem is VERY easy in Maple.

    For the next two problems, you need to send ASCII messages using RSA. To send an ASCII message using RSA we first need to translate the message into a number; e.g. "HI"=104105. In Maple, this may be done by

    mess:= convert( "hi", bytes);
    numbr:= sum( mess[k]*1000^(len-k) , k=1..len);
    This may be reconverted back to characters in Maple by using the commands
    rongway:=convert( numbr, base,1000); 
    thisisit:= [seq( rongway[len-k], k=0..(len-1))]; 

  6. [4 points.] Your public key is: e=5
    n =1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000160300000013270000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002127181

    You know that n's prime factors are 1070+1603 and 1080+1327. You receive the following encrypted message:
    Decrypt the (ASCII) message.

  7. [32 points.] Supppose you intercept a message which was sent using the public key: e=797
    n = 253075277577172543965736655367038444769478357341928704773134781671301027140846923219830993503499361347997474759329498343943360959479808000001494433
    The encrypted message is:
    What is the original (ASCII) message?