MA 479 / CSSE 479: Cryptography
Homework 6 problems inspired by Mathematics
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
A joint effort of the
Department of Mathematics
and the Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering
Spring term, 2003-2004
All these problems are paper-and-pencil problems. Please do not use a
(electronic) computer when doing these problems. Calculators are okay.
You may turn these problems in electronically to the drop boxes or
on paper. If you do your problems electronically, please use a proper
equation editor rather than trying to fake the mathematical symbols!
Drop box submissions are due at midnight on the due date. Paper
submissions are due in class or in the box outside my office by 5:00
Show your work on all problems.
I will give some partial credit, especially on multi-part problems.
- [4 points.] If n is an
odd integer, prove that there is a one-to-one correspondence between
factorizations n=ab and expressions n=s2-t2.
- [1 point.] Factor 5459 using the Fermat factorization method.
- [2 point.] Factoring hn by the Fermat factorization
method, where h is a small positive integer, is sometimes
easier than factoring n by this method. (This is part of the
idea of the quadratic sieve method. Factor both 901 and 3 * 901 = 2703
by the Fermat factorization method and compare the number of steps.
- [2 points.] In the quadratic sieve we used numbers of the form x2mod
n. The best way to do this is in fact to compute
Q(a) = (floor(sqrt(n))+a)2-n
for x=floor(sqrt(n))+a. Show that if a is
"small", then Q(a) is the same as x2mod
n (Including that 0<=Q(a)<n.)
- [4 points.] Using the notation of the previous
problem, show that if m divides Q(a), then m
divides Q(a+km) for every integer k. We
used this fact in the quadratic sieve also.
The following problems are from the "Handout to accompany RSA". -
[2 points.] Question 13.
- [4 points.] Question 14.
- [6 points.] Question 16.
- [2 points.] Question 18.
- [2 points.] Question 19.
- [2 points.] Question 20.
The following problems are from your textbook. - [2 points.]
Problem 8.8.
- [4 points.] Problem 8.9. You really can do this without a
computer if you are clever!
- [6 points.] Problem 9.13. Be very specific.