
A repository of files for download. "General downloads" contains miscellaneous files of interest, inlcuding homework problems not found in the book, study aids, etc. In "Old exams" you'll find, well, old exams! "Other stuff" is other stuff, inlcuding online ideal gas property calculators.

Files that can't be catergorized as for use in class or old exams go here. In other words, micelleneous. Files are posted in reverse chronological order; that is, most recent stuff is at the top.

Thermowood Squares!

Solutions to Exam II, Fall 23-24: [NEW!]

Solutions to Exam I, Fall 23-24:

A book chapter that contains an EES tutorial [NEW!]

How to study for and take an exam (and study in general):

Copyright © | Thomas M. Adams, PhD |
Department of Mechanical Engineering | Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
5500 Wabash Ave. | Terre Haute, IN 47803 USA