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Simulating and Implementing Designs with Instantiated Cores


This document describes the step-by-step process to create, simulate, and instantiate a Xilinx "LogiCORE" core in your design. The overall process is:

  1. Create your own HDL design

  2. Create a core from Xilinx Core Generator

  3. Instantiate a behavioral model of the core into your HDL design, and perform functional verification using a behavioral simulator

  4. Instantiate a synthesizable version of the core into your HDL design, and synthesize and implement your overall design to a bitstream file

Required Software


Xilinx ISE 4.2i FPGA implementation software


Simucad Silos 2001 Verilog behavioral simulator

Overview of Detailed Example

A running example will be used to step through the design process. A system containing your own HDL description will be merged with a core to produce a single design.

The system be be designed is diagrammed below; the "core" will be the 2's complementer device from the Xilinx CORE Generator Library):

[insert picture here]

The circuit is not intended to do anything particularly useful, but rather will demonstrate the combination of a Verilog description for inferred hardware (the 7-segment display drivers) and an instantiated core from the Xilinx CORE Generator tool.

Use boldfaced values in square brackets to follow along with the running example.

Step 1 of 7 - Create a new Xilinx project

After starting Xilinx, do "File | New Project..." and enter your project information. Remember to select the following options:


Device Family = XC400XL


Device = xc4010xl-3pc84


Design Flow = FPGA Express Verilog

Step 2 of 7 - Start the Core Generator tool

  1. Select "Project | New Source"

  2. Select "Coregen IP"

  3. Enter a single word for filename [ comp4 ]

  4. Accept the default for location

  5. Ensure that "Add to Project" checkbox is checked

  6. Click "Next" and "Finish"

Step 3 of 7 - Select, configure, and build the core

  1. Expand (by double-clicking) the hierarchical list on the left-side panel until you find the desired core [ look for "Math Function", then "Complementers" ]

  2. Double-click the desired core in the right-side panel [ select "1s or 2s Complementer" ]

  3. Select "Data Sheet" button to review the operational and I/O details of the core. The data sheet also lists the CLB (configurable logic blocks) resource requirements as a function of your parameter choices. Remember that the XC4010 has a total of 400 CLBs available.

  4. Enter a single word for the "Component Name" [ comp4 ]

  5. Select the specific core parameters necessary for your design [ "Port Width" = 4, "Twos Complementer" selected ]

  6. Optional: select the "Display Core Footprint" if you wish to see a summary of the core's implementation details (including size) after the core has been generated.

  7. Select "Generate" to build the core

  8. Click "Dismiss" when finished

  9. Close the Core Generator tool when finished

Note that your core has been added to the project (look at the upper left-side panel). You can update the core by single-clicking the core entry in the source list, expanding the processes list in the lower left-side panel, double-clicking "Manage Cores", and selecting your core from the list at the bottom of the Core Generator panel. Alternatively, you can right-click the core entry in the source list (upper left-side panel) and select "Open".

Step 4 of 7 - Simulate the core

I recommend that you simulate the core in isolation in order to learn how it works. In order to do this, you need to create a testbench for the core, and you need to tell Silos where all the files pertinent to behavioral simulation are located. Note that Core Generator produces two distinct outputs: (1) the netlist information for implementation, and (2) behavioral models for simulation. Make no attempt to add the behavioral model to your project for hardware synthesis.

  1. In Xilinx Project Navigator, open the core's Verilog "wrapper file" [ comp4.v ] by selecting "File | Open..." or by clicking the "file open" icon at the upper left. This file contains the module name and port names for your core. Make note of the module name [ comp4 ] , the port names [ a, inv, c, ce, and q ] , and the port widths [ 4, 1, 1, 1, and 4, respectively ].

  2. Use Verilog Template Maker ( to create a testbench .v file [ comp4_TB.v ]. You do not need to make a synthesizable circuit or UCF file. Be sure that you correctly enter the following information for your core:
    - number of input ports [ 4 ]
    - number of output ports [ 1 ]
    number of bidirectionals [ 0 ]
    - module name [ comp4 ]
    - "use standard prefixes" turned off
    - port names and widths for inputs [ a, 4; inv, 1; c, 1; ce, 1 ]
    - port names and widths for outputs [ q, 4 ]

  3. Start a new Silos project, and add your testbench [ comp4_TB.v ] to the files list.

  4. Add the wrapper file [ comp4.v in Xilinx project folder ] to the files list. In Silos, you need to navigate to the Xilinx project folder and add the .v file that has the same name as your core.

  5. In Xilinx Project Navigator, look at the wrapper file [ comp4.v ] and note the name that follows just after the comment "synopsys translate_off" [ CMPSVHT ]. This is the Verilog behavioral model itself. Add this file to the Silos files list: within Silos, navigate to  "C:\Xilinx\verilog\src\XilinxCoreLib" and select the Verilog file with the same name you found in the wrapper file [ CMPTSVHT.v ].

  6. Insert the test sequence in your testbench file [ comp4_TB.v ]. The exact details vary from core to core, but in general you are trying to make sure that you understand how the core works. Most (maybe all) of the Xilinx cores have "registered outputs," meaning that you need to apply one or more clock cycles to see a valid output emerge.

    [ Insert the following test sequence in comp4_TB.v ]:

    initial begin
    	// Initial values for input stimulus:
    	a = 4'h5;
    	inv = 1'b0;
    	c = 1'b0;
    	ce = 1'b0;
    	// Enable the core
    	#40 ce = 1'b1;
    	// Enable inversion
    	#40 inv = 1'b1;
    	// Change the input value
    	#40 a = 4'hc;
    	// Disable inversion
    	#40 inv = 1'b0;
    	// All done!
    	#40 $finish;
    always #5 c = ~c;
  7. Simulate the core and revise your testbench until you feel confident that you understand how the core works.

Step 5 of 7 - Enter HDL description

Once you have a good understanding of the generated core (or cores) in your design, you can proceed to build the complete system.

  1. Use Verilog Template Maker to create the synthesizable circuit, testbench, and UCF file for your complete system. Be sure that you correctly enter the following information for the complete system:
    - number of input ports [ 4 ]
    - number of output ports [ 6 ]
    number of bidirectionals [ 0 ]
    - module name [ TopLevel ]
    - "use standard prefixes" turned on
    - port names and widths for inputs [ Clock, 1; Invert, 1; Enable, 1; DataIn, 4 ]
    - port names and widths for outputs [ InvertLED, 1; EnableLED, 1; LeftSevenSeg, 7; RightSevenSeg, 7; MicroReset, 1; RAMOE, 1 ]

  2. In Xilinx Project Navigator, open the core's Verilog "instantiation template" [ comp4.veo ] by selecting "File | Open..." or by clicking the "file open" icon at the upper left. This file contains the template for instantiating the core into your own design..

  3. Insert the functionality for the synthesizable circuit and its testbench. See toplevel.v, toplevel_TB.v, sevenseg.v, and toplevel.ucf for complete files. [insert links]

Step 6 of 7 - Simulate entire system

NOTE: Some cores may be too large to simulate in the demo version of Silos. Alternatively, you may be able to simulate the core by itself, and then find that the combined system is too large for the demo version. Your best bet in this case is to do a good job simulating the pieces, and then the integrated version should have a good chance of working properly.

Step 7 of 7 - Implement entire system

Return to Xilinx Project Navigator, and add all Verilog files associated with your complete design [ toplevel.v, sevenseg.v ]. Don't forget to specify your UCF file [ toplevel.ucf ]. Do not add testbench files or Xilinx behavioral Verilog files.

Highlight the top level module in the upper left-side sources panel, then double-click the "Generate Programming File" process in the lower left-side panel.

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 ECE533: Programmable Logic Systems Design (S 2004-05)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

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Last updated: 03/10/05.