module Controller_TBIndex;

reg iG$MasterClock;
reg iG$MasterReset;
reg iS$KeyIsPressed;
reg iS$IntervalIsComplete;
reg iS$SumIsCorrect;
reg iS$KeyPressingIsFinished;

wire oC$InitializeTimer;
wire oC$EnableTimer;
wire oC$AddKey;
wire oC$ClearSum;
wire oE$ActivatePassLED; 
wire oE$ActivateFailLED; 
wire oE$ActivateSolenoid;

// Waveform documentation
parameter MaxChars = 21;
reg [8*MaxChars-1 : 0] TestMode;
reg [8*12-1 : 0] KeyPadStatus;

parameter pQ$Initialize			= 7'b0000001;
parameter pQ$WaitForKeyPress	= 7'b0000010;
parameter pQ$AddToKeysum			= 7'b0000100;
parameter pQ$WaitForKeyRelease	= 7'b0001000;
parameter pQ$SequenceFailed		= 7'b0010000;
parameter pQ$SequencePassed		= 7'b0100000;
parameter pQ$ErrorTrap			= 7'b1000000;

parameter Initialize			= "Initialize";
parameter WaitForKeyPress	= "WaitForKeyPress";
parameter AddToKeysum		= "AddToKeysum";
parameter WaitForKeyRelease= "WaitForKeyRelease";
parameter SequenceFailed	= "SequenceFailed";
parameter SequencePassed	= "SequencePassed";
parameter ErrorTrap			= "ErrorTrap";

reg [8*17-1 : 0] StateName;

Controller DUT (
	.iG$MasterClock (iG$MasterClock),
	.iG$MasterReset (iG$MasterReset),

	.iS$KeyIsPressed (iS$KeyIsPressed),
	.iS$IntervalIsComplete (iS$IntervalIsComplete),
	.iS$SumIsCorrect (iS$SumIsCorrect),
	.iS$KeyPressingIsFinished (iS$KeyPressingIsFinished),

	.oC$InitializeTimer (oC$InitializeTimer),
	.oC$EnableTimer (oC$EnableTimer),
	.oC$AddKey (oC$AddKey),
	.oC$ClearSum (oC$ClearSum),

	.oE$ActivatePassLED (oE$ActivatePassLED), 
	.oE$ActivateFailLED (oE$ActivateFailLED), 
	.oE$ActivateSolenoid (oE$ActivateSolenoid)


initial begin
	TestMode = "Reset";
	KeyPadStatus = "Key released";
	iG$MasterClock = 0;
	iG$MasterReset = 1;
	iS$KeyIsPressed = 0;
	iS$IntervalIsComplete = 0;
	iS$SumIsCorrect = 0;
	iS$KeyPressingIsFinished = 0;

	// Take out of reset
	#10 iG$MasterReset = 0;

	// Wait for a few cycles to ensure controller waits for keypress,
	// then indicate keypress
	TestMode = "Single keypress";
	#30 ;

	// Indicate that key pressing is finished, then do another keypress.
	// Controller should eventually enter "fail" state.
	TestMode = "Go through FAIL state";
	#10 iS$KeyPressingIsFinished = 1;

	// Indicate that timer interval is done
	#50 iS$IntervalIsComplete = 1;
	#10 iS$IntervalIsComplete = 0;

	// Indicate valid sum and key pressing is finished, then do one keypress.
	// Controller should eventually enter "pass" state.
	TestMode = "Go through PASS state";
	#10 iS$SumIsCorrect = 1;

	// Indicate that timer interval is done
	#50 iS$IntervalIsComplete = 1;
	#10 iS$IntervalIsComplete = 0;

	#50 $finish;

// Master clock
always #5 iG$MasterClock = ~iG$MasterClock;

// State label
always @ (Controller.r$State)
	case (Controller.r$State)
		pQ$Initialize : StateName = "Initialize";
		pQ$WaitForKeyPress :  StateName = "WaitForKeyPress";
		pQ$AddToKeysum : StateName = "AddToKeysum";
		pQ$WaitForKeyRelease : StateName = "WaitForKeyRelease";
		pQ$SequenceFailed : StateName = "SequenceFailed";
		pQ$SequencePassed : StateName = "SequencePassed";
		pQ$ErrorTrap : StateName = "ErrorTrap";
		default: StateName = "UNKNOWN";

// Tasks
task KeyPress;
		iS$KeyIsPressed = 1;
		KeyPadStatus = "Key pressed";
		#50 iS$KeyIsPressed = 0;
		KeyPadStatus = "Key released";



This page: Created:Thu Jan 16 14:38:01 2003
From: controller_TB.v

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