Uses of Interface

Packages that use BallEnvironment

Uses of BallEnvironment in ballworlds.ball

Constructors in ballworlds.ball with parameters of type BallEnvironment
Ball(BallEnvironment ballEnvironment)
          Adds itself to its World (otherwise, the Ball is neither displayed nor asked to act).

Uses of BallEnvironment in ballworlds.framework

Classes in ballworlds.framework that implement BallEnvironment
 class World
          A World simulates a "world" that contain various kinds of "balls" (and possibly other objects).

Constructors in ballworlds.framework with parameters of type BallEnvironment
BallButton(String ballType, BallEnvironment ballEnvironment)
          Associates a type of Ball and a BallEnvironment with this button, labels this button with the type of Ball, and arranges for this button to respond to its own button-presses.
ButtonsPanel(Dimension size, BallEnvironment ballEnvironment)
          Constructs and adds a BallButton for each type of Ball in BallWorlds.