Class World

  extended by ballworlds.framework.World
All Implemented Interfaces:
BallEnvironment, BumperEnvironment, CollectionOfBalls, Drawable, Runnable

public class World
extends Object
implements BallEnvironment, BumperEnvironment, CollectionOfBalls, Drawable, Runnable

A World simulates a "world" that contain various kinds of "balls" (and possibly other objects).

A World constructs its visual elements:

A World adds those visual elements to the frame that the World is given.

A World manages its Balls, including animating them by calling each Ball's act method repeatedly.

A World manages its Bumpers and other objects that the World creates.

David Mutchler, Salman Azhar and others, January 2005. Modified September, 2008.

Constructor Summary
World(Dimension size, Color color, JFrame ballWorldFrame)
          Sets the World's Shape (and related data) and Color to the given values.
Method Summary
 void addBall(Ball ballToAdd)
          Adds the given Ball to this World.
 void drawBalls(Graphics2D graphics, Ball selectedBall)
          Draws the Balls in this World.
 Color getColor()
          Returns the Color of this World.
 Shape getShape()
          Returns the Shape (which contains position and size) of this World.
 boolean isInsideWorldX(Point2D p)
          Returns true if the given point's x-coordinate is inside this World.
 boolean isInsideWorldY(Point2D p)
          Returns true if the given point's y-coordinate is inside this World.
 Point2D middleOfWorld()
          Returns a new Point2D that is at the middle of this World.
 Ball nearestBall(Point2D p)
          Returns the Ball in this World that is nearest the given point.
 void removeBall(Ball ballToRemove)
          Removes the given Ball from this World.
 void run()
          Repeatedly asks each Ball to act.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public World(Dimension size,
             Color color,
             JFrame ballWorldFrame)
Sets the World's Shape (and related data) and Color to the given values.

Constructs the visual elements of this World:

Adds those visual elements to the frame that it is given.

Starts a Thread that repeatedly asks each Ball to act.

size - Size of this World (including its ButtonPanel).
color - Color of this World.
ballWorldFrame - JFrame to which the visual elements of this World are to be added.
Method Detail


public void addBall(Ball ballToAdd)
Adds the given Ball to this World.

Specified by:
addBall in interface BallEnvironment
ballToAdd - the Ball to add to the World.


public void removeBall(Ball ballToRemove)
Removes the given Ball from this World.

Specified by:
removeBall in interface BallEnvironment
ballToRemove - the Ball to remove from the World.


public boolean isInsideWorldX(Point2D p)
Returns true if the given point's x-coordinate is inside this World.

Specified by:
isInsideWorldX in interface BallEnvironment
p - the point whose x-coordinate to check
true if the given point's x-coordinate is inside this World.


public boolean isInsideWorldY(Point2D p)
Returns true if the given point's y-coordinate is inside this World.

Specified by:
isInsideWorldY in interface BallEnvironment
p - the point whose y-coordinate to check
true if the given point's y-coordinate is inside this World.


public Point2D middleOfWorld()
Returns a new Point2D that is at the middle of this World.

Specified by:
middleOfWorld in interface BallEnvironment
a new Point2D that is at the middle of this World.


public Ball nearestBall(Point2D p)
Returns the Ball in this World that is nearest the given point. Returns null if there are no Balls in this World.

Specified by:
nearestBall in interface CollectionOfBalls
p - the point for which to find the nearest Ball.
the Ball in this World that is nearest the given point.


public void drawBalls(Graphics2D graphics,
                      Ball selectedBall)
Draws the Balls in this World.

Specified by:
drawBalls in interface CollectionOfBalls
graphics - the object onto which to draw.
selectedBall - the ball which has been selected (null if none).


public Shape getShape()
Returns the Shape (which contains position and size) of this World.

Specified by:
getShape in interface Drawable
the Shape of this World.


public Color getColor()
Returns the Color of this World.

Specified by:
getColor in interface Drawable
the Color of this World.


public void run()
Repeatedly asks each Ball to act.

Specified by:
run in interface Runnable