Uses of Class

Packages that use Ball

Uses of Ball in ballworlds.framework

Methods in ballworlds.framework that return Ball
 Ball World.nearestBall(Point2D p)
          Returns the Ball in this World that is nearest the given point.
 Ball CollectionOfBalls.nearestBall(Point2D p)
          Returns the Ball in this CollectionOfBall's World that is nearest the given point.

Methods in ballworlds.framework with parameters of type Ball
 void World.addBall(Ball ballToAdd)
          Adds the given Ball to this World.
 void BallEnvironment.addBall(Ball ballToAdd)
          Adds the given Ball to this BallEnvironment's World.
 void World.drawBalls(Graphics2D graphics, Ball selectedBall)
          Draws the Balls in this World.
 void CollectionOfBalls.drawBalls(Graphics2D graphics, Ball selectedBall)
          Draws the Balls in this CollectionOfBall's World.
 void World.removeBall(Ball ballToRemove)
          Removes the given Ball from this World.
 void BallEnvironment.removeBall(Ball ballToRemove)
          Removes the given Ball from this BallEnvironment's World.